Kmart Wants To Tape Your Video Game Reviews To Display Cases

Non-gamers who cruise video game aisles looking for gifts are bewildered at the strange sights from the lineup of game boxes. Kmart is asking gamers to help out those customers by submitting user reviews that they’ll post near games in the store.
The MyKmart blog provided this helpful guide to penning reviews, which I’ve translated in parentheses.
Reviews should be:
* Helpful and constructive. (Don’t tell anyone that Wii Music blows. We might be able to sucker people into buying it).
* Unique and well-written. (Don’t plagiarize IGN).
* Written for an audience that may be made up of non-gamers; your review will be read by gamers and non-gamers of all ages. (Talk to our shoppers like the morons they are).
* About a title released in the last month or so, or a more “evergreen” title that will be prominently featured on store shelves for several months. (Don’t waste your time on Sonic games).
* Abide by the MyKmart terms of service. (Do not claim to have had sexual relations with the shopper’s mother).
Video game reviews: Get YOUR MyKmart review featured on store shelves! [MyKmart via Destructoid]
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