Tiny Turtle Makes AirTran Return To Gate, Girls Forced To Get Rid Of Pet Before Reboarding

Maybe it was Michelangelo and they were afraid he would eat up all the in-flight pizza. A 10-year old girl’s teensy turtle posed enough of a risk to an AirTran flight that the plane was forced to turn around and return to the gate. The girl and her sisters were told they could not get back on the plane with the turtle.
Security and gate personnel and a flight attendant were cool with them having the turtle but then one attendant wasn’t. A company spokesperson said that their company policy bars animals from the cabin except for cats, dogs, and birds.
The girls put the turtle in the trash so that it would be easier for their father to find it later. and it was eventually reunited with the girls.
Prompted by the girls’ mother, PETA sent AirTran a letter insisting on an investigation and disciplinary action.
Tiny turtle causes taxiing plane to return to gate [AP] (Thanks to everyone who sent this in!)
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