Dying Won't Get You Out Of Your Dish Network Contract

Dish Network has extremely loyal to Elizabeth Cordry of Forth Worth, Texas. So loyal that they would let nothing remove her from the ranks of their customers. Including her death. When she died in January at age 85, her son tried to end service, but the company insisted that she had a contract that could only be canceled if her family produced a death certificate. Since she was no longer under a contract, her son refused to produce the certificate.
He called: “I kept telling them the same thing, and it’s like talking to a wall. It was really on my nerves. Her house is in probate. We’ve got a lot of balls up in the air. We don’t have time to argue with them.”
He contacted The Watchdog.
I passed his complaint on to Dish. Robert Cordry got a call from the company.
“They canceled the debt,” he says. “They said they’d give her a $25 credit if she wants to hook up again.”
I think that’s pretty much the definition of “missing the point.”
Death doesn’t stop Dish Network bills [Star-Telegram]
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