Which Are You More Loyal To: Your Employer Or Your Soda?

(Da Nes)
Reuters recently conducted a new poll in an attempt to understand those things that Americans are most loyal to. Not surprisingly, the top of the loyalty list was country. But of some interest is that more respondents said they were loyal to their favorite brand of soda than said they were loyal to the company that currently employs them.
Of course, it’s generally easier to be more loyal to something that gives you even a small amount of pleasure than it is to something that many people do out of pure necessity.
And it’s much easier to be tempted away from your current job by more money or better benefits (or even something like a shorter commute) than it is to be lured into giving up your favorite fizzy drink.
That being said, we want to hear from you:
Americans more loyal to brands, country than company [Reuters]
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