Man Complains About Cellphone Talker At Movie Theater, Gets Stabbed In Neck With Meat Thermometer

This might make you think twice about asking someone to shush the next time you’re at the movies. According to police, a man in Lancaster, CA, recently made such a request to some fellow moviegoers, who retaliated by stabbing him in the neck… With a meat thermometer.
Police say the incident occurred at a recent showing of the Martin Scorsese thriller Shutter Island. The unidentified victim had complained about a woman in the theater because she was speaking on her cellphone during the film.
The woman and her two male counterparts then left the theater, but returned shortly after. And that’s when things turned stabby.
The victim was stabbed in the neck with a meat thermometer, which the suspects left behind when they fled. He was taken to the hospital in serious condition. The suspects remain at large.
Man stabbed with meat thermometer at movie in CA [AP/Access Atlanta]
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