New Jersey Considers "Do Not Solicit" Registry To Block Credit Card Offers

New Jersey politicians appear to be engaged in some sort of contest to see who can get the most stringent anti-junk mail law passed. First an Assembleyman introduced a bill a few weeks back that would ban companies from mailing unsolocited checks to consumers. Now the Assembley’s Consumer Affairs committee has proposed starting a “Do Not Solicit” list, which would block credit card companies from offering new cards to consumers who aren’t interested.
From Jackson NJ Online:
The bill works similar to the national Do Not Call lists where residents can put their names on a list that would prohibit credit card companies from sending mail, emailing or making phone calls to card customers.
Companies who violate the law will be fined up to $10,000 under the Consumer Fraud Act.
The Associated Press says that in addition, anyone issued a card once they’ve put their name on the list wouldn’t be held responsible for the debt, which would protect those who might otherwise accept offers they don’t need (like the elderly and the mentally ill).
“New law may put breaks on credit card soliticing” [Jackson NJ Online]
“NJ lawmakers to consider ‘Do-Not-Solicit’ registry” [Associated Press]
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