Dumbed Down Subtitles Ruin US Release Of 'Let The Right One In'
What if you started to watch Let The Right One In, a highly acclaimed foreign film from last year, and you discovered the US release had been renamed Open Up!? That’s sort of the experience consumers are having when watching the new release of the movie on DVD and Blu-ray. At some point between the theatrical release and the DVD release, the distributor replaced the original, nuanced English subtitles with dumbed-down ones.
RobG at Icons of Fright noticed the dumbing down, and thinks it may have been a case of the distributor cutting too many corners.
Here’s a theory: The original screener attributes that the subtitles were done by Ingrid Eng. (Multiple kudos to Miss Eng for doing an amazing job.) My guess is that in order to re-use them for the American version of the DVD, Magnolia/MAGNET probably had to pay Ingrid again for her services. Rather then do that, perhaps they hired someone else to do the translations for real cheap.
Check out more examples of subtitle vandalism on the film at Icons of Fright.
“Let The Wrong Subtitles In To LET THE RIGHT ONE IN?!” [Icons of Fright] (Thanks to Adam!)
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