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Nathaniel's restaurant in Owen Sound, Ontario laid off one of their employees because she donated her hair to raise money for cancer research and won't wear a wig to cover her new haircut. The restaurant owner says he realizes that it's not good PR for the restaurant, but claims to have heard from customers who would have been "appalled" to be served by a waitress with a buzz cut. We think she looks cute. [CTV](Thanks, Karan!!)
Nathaniel’s restaurant in Owen Sound, Ontario laid off one of their employees because she donated her hair to raise money for cancer research and won’t wear a wig to cover her new haircut. The restaurant owner says he realizes that it’s not good PR for the restaurant, but claims to have heard from customers who would have been “appalled” to be served by a waitress with a buzz cut. We think she looks cute. [CTV](Thanks, Karan!!)
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