Dell Still Ships Tiny Items In Massive Boxes
From the looks of David’s package, Dell isn’t close to honoring its promise to switch to alternative packaging within the next two months. This obscenely large box contained nothing more than a 2GB flash drive. David’s son snapped a few pictures, which appear as an eerie slideshow after the jump.
David writes:
Recently, my son Justin and I both ordered Kingston 2GB USB “thumb” drives from Dell after seeing it mentioned on My son’s arrived a few days before mine, and he told me that when the delivery guy handed him the box, he asked if there was anything actually in the box because it was so light. I didn’t see the packaging myself until my drive arrived the other day. I asked my other son Brett, a budding photographer, to document the “unboxing” this time.
I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

PREVIOUSLY: Dell: Let’s Ship Tiny CDs In Massive Boxes!
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