Researchers Hack Remote Keyless Car Entry Devices

Researchers have figured out a way to hack remote keyless car entry devices. The threat to the consumer is minimal, it takes several hours to crack the code, but it does give one pause, especially considering that if the Keeloq’s manufacturer added a few simple measures they could render the exploit nearly useless.

GM, Chrysler, Daewoo, FIAT, GM, Honda, Jaguar, Toyota, Volvo, and VW all use Keeloq.

Once, there was a car with a very reactive car security system sitting outside my apartment. Following a light rain, it would go bloop-bloop! every time a drop of water fell on it from the tree above. My room was in the front of the house and this annoying sound easily penetrated the walls, over and over again. Finally I went out there and kicked the car’s tires, causing it to explode with klaxons, screeches and warbles…

I walked up the street a bit. My neighborhood dashed out of his brownstone, looked around for culprits, and examined his car to make sure it was ok. I sidled on over and made casual conversation about how extremely sensitive his car’s alarm was. I think he got the message because after I went back inside the car didn’t make any more bloop blops to warn its owner that raindrops might be trying to get inside his car.

Now, if those researchers could just use the same method to develop a tool to silence people’s car alarms that keep going off unnecessarily…

How To Steal Cars — A Practical Attack on KeeLoq []
[Red Tape Chronicles]

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