Attorneys General Are Not Pleased With Alcoholic Energy Drinks
Alcoholic energy drinks are causing a dust-up with some state’s attorneys general, according the Associated Press. More than 2 dozen attorneys general want federal officials to examine the ingredients and the marketing of these drinks. From MSN Money:
In a letter to John Manfreda, the administrator of the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, the attorneys general of 28 states and Washington, D.C., and Guam say aggressive — and possibly fraudulent — marketing of energy drinks mixing alcohol and caffeine targets teenagers and young adults who buy nonalcoholic energy drinks.
“Nonalcoholic energy drinks are very popular with today’s youth,” Oregon Attorney General Hardy Myers said. “Beverage companies are unconscionably appealing to young drinkers with claims about the stimulating properties of alcoholic energy drinks.”
The attorneys general singled out Miller Brewing Co. for Sparks and Sparks Plus, Anheuser-Busch for Bud Extra and Charge Beverages of Portland for its Liquid Charge and Liquid Core drinks.
All we really know is that “Sparks” is pretty gross tasting.
Miller responds:
“There is no nonalcoholic version of Sparks. We work closely with the Trade and Tax Bureau to ensure that all of our products meet federal regulatory requirements,” he said.
We know why there is no non-alcoholic version of “Sparks.” It is because “Sparks” is so disgusting that no one would ever drink it if it did not contain alcohol.
The angry attorneys general are from: Oregon, Connecticut, Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming, Washington, D.C., and Guam.
States Seek Examination on Energy Drinks [MSN Money]
(Photo:Mister Brentus)
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