Your Blackberry Isn't Working
WNBC is reporting a major Blackberry outage that affects 100% of the Blackberries in the US.
Your email is not being pushed through to your device as of about 8pm tonight. Might want to make some other plans. No word on when the outage will end. —MEGHANN MARCO
UPDATE: According to WNBC the outage is sort of over.
Officials with RIM said they tried to reset the system and they were concerned that the backlog of data, which could cause a bigger problem as it rushes through now that the system appears to be online.
RIM officials said messages would be sent out in stages so the system does not crash.
RIM officials recommend all who depend on their BlackBerry as a major way of communication should make some back-up plans in case more problems occur Wednesday morning.
Massive Blackberry Outage [WNBC]
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