Best Buy isn’t the only retailer looking to work with hot new startups, Target was just a bit more quiet about the whole thing. Last week the big box retailer stealthily launched a website aimed at collecting ideas from startups interested in working with the company. [More]
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iPhone Upgrade Program Members Sue Apple, Claim They Couldn’t Get New Phones
As you might expect for the heavily hyped device, pre-orders of the new Apple iPhone 7 were snatched up quickly. However, members of Apple’s own iPhone Upgrade Program — which promised an easy trade-in process each year — claim there were unfairly shut out from ordering the new device.

Banks Trying To Attract Customers With Products To Reduce, Repay Student Loans
With student loan debt in the U.S. now well beyond $1 trillion, everyone seems eager to get into the debt-reduction business. Some cities will pay down your debt if you move there, while a growing number of employers are making loan payment contributions part of the benefits package. Now some financial institutions are dangling the debt-reduction carrot in front of potential customers — but should you bite? [More]