Walmart Confirms Slideshow, Positively Spins "Conscientious Objectors"
UPDATE: Walmart Wins Because We Fumbled
Walmart Sends Us DMCA Takedown Letter For Slideshow
The AP picked up the Walmart market research we posted on Tuesday.
They got confirmation about the slideshow, which said that Walmart’s defined 14% of “The Shopper Universe” as being “conscientious objectors.” Of this, Walmart spokesman David Tovar said,
…the research data was genuine but that “conscientious objector” meant consumers who base purchases on a company’s practices, such as charitable giving or environmental measures.
He said the term was not synonymous with Wal-Mart boycotters.
Really? So… “objectors”… that somehow means they’re still down with the big blue? Check your dictionary. “I object to your business practices, yet I’m irresistibly drawn your low prices.” Another PR mouthpiece spins like a dervish in his own filth.
Wal-Mart Releases More Internal Data [Forbes]
Wal-Mart: Few Shoppers Moved by Press [Forbes]
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