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Energy Star appliances will save you enough money to warrant you purchasing them regardless of tax breaks, but hey, why not get some tax breaks?
Energy Star appliances will save you enough money to warrant you purchasing them regardless of tax breaks, but hey, why not get some tax breaks?
There are lots of incentive programs out there… everything from rebates to tax cuts. You’ve just got to know where to look.
Meet DSIRE, the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency. Click on over there, find your state and see what’s available. You might be surprised to know that Alabama will pay for the entire cost of switching your home over to wood burning heat. I know! You were thinking of doing that ANYWAY!
Other offers are more reasonable, such as an electric heating rebate in Connecticut: $300 to $550/unit, depending on the Energy Efficiency Rating (EER) and the system type you install. So get to work! — MEGHANN MARCO
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