Getting Ready for Vista
Microsoft Vista is arriving in January… and the last time we checked that was after the holidays. So if you’re planning on buying a new computer or computer game this holiday season, you might want to pay close attention to the logos on the box. ZDnet has a good article about parsing these various Vista-related stickers. Some advice:
• Don’t buy a computer based on a sticker alone.
• “Certified for Windows Vista” means the product has been tested and will deliver a superior experience with a PC running Windows Vista.
• “Works with Windows Vista” means just that. It will work. Maybe not well, but it’ll work.
• The minimum performace for the “Windows Vista Premium Ready PC” is not that amazing. “Apart from the RAM and graphics card requirements, even the Premium Ready spec is pretty low. Don’t use either of these logos as a “performance” guide.” Amen.— MEGHANN MARCO
Windows Vista Logos – what do they all mean? []
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