BREAKING: Spitzer To Talk To AOL, Again
NY Attorney General Elliot Spitzer, pictured at right, throwing up gang signs (see the A and G his hands form?) will meet with AOL executives to discuss whether the company still impedes customers trying to cancel their accounts, Reuters reports.
The office of the Attorney General sent a letter to the ISP on June 28th demanding answers. The letter was sent on June 28th, fifteen days after Vinny’s phone call hit the net.
In August of ’05, AOL and Spitzer struck a deal after whereby AOL agreed to revamp its retention procedures to make it easier for consumers to leave, agree to third-party verification and pay $1.25 million in costs.
Steve Case’s heirs must have a spanking fetish. Good thing Spitzer’s got a big paddle and we hope he’s going to use it, and not just for consumer’s sake. Otherwise, he risks looking like a chump, not a particularly well-advised fashion to sport prior to his November gubernatorial bid.
“Spitzer says AOL customer woes remain an issue” [Reuters] (Thanks to Vincent & Philip!)
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