Beat an Ebay Scammer: Call His Mom Image courtesy of • CompUSA Unaware of So-Called 'Internet'
UPDATE: Story got Dugg. Hello Diggnation! Thanks for visiting our blog. Here are some other stories you may enjoy:
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Rob bought and paid for an Xbox on Ebay but it never arrived. He emailed the guy several times, but no response. So, he busted out the phone book and found the 22-year-old scalawag’s address and phone number. Rob found this scammer’s mom, whom he still lives with. He sent her all the info and ended up getting a phoned apology from the guy and all his money back.
You know that’s one basement dweller who’s not getting his He-Man sheets washed for a while.
“Cyber Detective: Case #238532” [MyBlog] (Thanks to Ian!)
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