HOWTO: Stop the Coupon Blizzard Image courtesy of
About once a week, we receive an unsolicited "newspaper" in front of our door. Inside the plastic sheath is a pile of coupon papers and newspaper inserts for Lowe's and various local supermarkets. We were thinking, damn, this is so annoying to toss into the trash every week. Then we remembered a post we had done on the very same subject.
About once a week, we receive an unsolicited “newspaper” in front of our door. Inside the plastic sheath is a pile of coupon papers and newspaper inserts for Lowe’s and various local supermarkets. We were thinking, damn, this is so annoying to toss into the trash every week. Then we remembered a post we had done on the very same subject.
We sat down inside and pored over the inserts for contact information for the distribution company. We quickly realized that the inserts are boiler plate and that wouldn’t be the source of identifying marks. However, on the delivery condom, perhaps… so we looked it over and found scrunched into the bottom a number we could call for “distribution information.” We called it, told them we would like for the deliveries to stop and they said they would put in a note and expect a few more before it stopped in a few weeks.
We’ll be watching, coupon commandos.
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