There are few certainties in this world — we live, we die, that’s about it — but one thing is for sure: if the voice behind AOL’s “You’ve got mail!” greeting is your Uber driver, you’re gonna make him recite those famous words so you can post a video of it on the internet. [More]
you’ve got mail

Oklahoma Lawmaker Wants Cops To Issue Traffic Citations Via Email For Safety’s Sake
It’s dangerous out there on the highways and byways of America for a police officer issuing a traffic ticket. Handing out those tickets means leaving the relative safety of the car and walking over to talk to drivers, a risk one Oklahoma lawmaker thinks could be avoided with electronic citations. [More]

Forget The NSA’s Hi-Tech Snooping, The USPS Has Been Scanning Our Mail For Years
Many people are upset — and with good reason — with the National Security Administration’s concerted and secretive efforts to obtain wireless and Internet data about a wide range of users, but what many people don’t know is that the U.S. Postal Service has been scanning the outside of every piece of mail it processes and making that information available to law enforcement without a warrant. [More]

USPS Grants Saturday Mail Delivery A Stay Of Execution After All
Break out the high fives and order the cake — the United States Postal Service says it won’t be killing off Saturday mail delivery. At least, it’s not going to do that anytime soon. The agency had threatened to stop the service out of budgetary concerns, the main concern being that it doesn’t have much cash. [More]

Payment From Class Action Case Arrives Without Warning & Looks Like Junk Mail
There are 10 million of you out there who might have checks coming to you as part of a class action lawsuit settlement, but unless you keep a very close eye on your mail, you might end up tossing it with your junk mail. [More]

How Not To Be Annoying And Incompetent At E-mail
Just because you’ve fired off dozens of emails every day for more than a decade, it doesn’t mean you’ve been doing it right. You may reinforcing bad habits with each misfired message, unaware that you’re rankling friends, business contacts and customer service reps. [More]

BP Took 79 Days To Do Fix Citizen Sent Them On Day 6
A reader claims he emailed BP and the White House on April 28th with the very method put into place to seal the gushing oil well on July 10th, and all he ever got back were boilerplate form letter replies. [More]

FedEx Changed My Tracking Number Without Letting Me Know
John thought his package was lost when he couldn’t find a record of it with FedEx. He paid $20 more to re-ship the document. Turns out FedEx had changed the tracking number without letting him know. [More]

Economic Stimulus Reminder Notes Are Here!
We recently received our “Economic Stimulus Payment Notice,” and it seems worth far less than the $41.8 million the Treasury spent on printing and mailing. The letter contained no surprises, but did extend the tantalizing possibility that we would receive “a notice and additional information shortly before the payment is made.” Check out the full letter and a handy eligibility chart, after the jump.