250,900 street signs in New York City will be changed from all-caps to initial caps, where only the first letter is capitalized. The legibility will save lives, say the federal guidelines mandating the change, which will cost the city $27.6 million to implement. [More]
your tax dollars at work

Govt Report: Swine Flu Will Crush The Internet
While most people have been worrying about the obvious effects of an H1N1 epidemic — you know, stuff like people dying, vaccine shortages, overcrowded hospitals, that kind of thing — the Government Accountability Office has identified a terrifying new threat linked to the flu: It will bring the Internet to its knees, as millions of bedridden patients spend all of their idle hours online.

Czar Tells AIG Not To Hand Out As Many Bazillions More In Bonuses Come March
Not content with just one Worst Company in America victory, AIG is going for back-to-back titles by trying to give out $198 million in bonuses in March.
Federal employees wasted over $145 million in taxpayer dollars by bumping themselves up to first-class seats. [NYT via Rick Seaney]

DC Madam's Favorite Hotels
Inside, an interactive Googlemaps Mashup showing the most popular hotels from the DC Madam’s phone records.

Top 10 Most "Ho-Friendly" DC Hotels, Based On The DC Madam's Phone Records
If you want to have sex with a prostitute in Washington D.C., try the Marriott.
Homeland Insecurity
In case there was an inkling that the Department of Homeland Security might not be up to snuff, well, here’s affirmation.

Off-Duty Police Sometimes Like to Carry Guns
According to an informal poll held on on Massachusetts Police Department message boards, 58.27% of the 127 police officers responding sometimes carry a weapon off-duty, 26.77% always carry a weapon and 14.96% never carry a weapon.