Look, we’re not wildlife experts by any stretch of the imagination, but there is one very easy way to avoid injury by head-butting or other aggression from our large animal friends: Don’t get too close, even if it means the difference between an amazing selfie and one that is only great. [More]
Yellowstone National Park

Tourist Fined $1K For Straying Off Yellowstone Boardwalk To Collect Thermal Water
Just a week after a tourist died in a geyser at Yellowstone National Park after leaving the park’s designated boardwalk, officials say they fined another visitor for straying out of bounds in an attempt to collect water from the volatile, dangerous hot springs. [More]

Death Of Yellowstone Tourist Prompts Renewed Warning To Stay On Park Paths
The death of a tourist at Yellowstone National Park has officials issuing renewed warnings to visitors to stay on pathways, no matter how enticing a temptation is waiting outside prescribed borders. [More]

Yellowstone Park Officials Reminding Visitors Not To Get Too Close To Animals Just To Get A Good Selfie
That question your parents asked you at least once in your life is coming into play now at Yellowstone National Park: officials are warning visitors not to get too close to wild animals to get a good selfie, even if everyone else is doing it. [More]
Yellowstone Visitors Ask The Park To Please Train Bears To Hang Out Where Humans Can See Them
Who needs Yelp for government parks and services when you can just leave a comment card? While it’s quite normal to be disappointed at not seeing any animals on a visit to Yellowstone National Park, the thing is, there’s no guarantee of seeing wild animals, being that they’re, well, wild, and they do as they please. But that didn’t stop park guests from politely asking rangers to point some bears in the right direction. [More]