Can you remember the last time you used the Yellow Pages? No, not as a doorstop or a booster seat, but as an actual resource? I know, we have the internet, but there are some folks out there still consulting a big yellow book full of phone numbers, and businesses who still take out display ads in the hopes of attracting customers. [More]
yellow pages

Yellow Pages Works Hard To Make Sure Non-Customer Stays Happy Non-Customer
Maurice isn’t an anti-phone book zealot, but he doesn’t need one, either. A few months ago, an unwanted one showed up on his porch. Instead of saving it for a power or Internet service outage or sticking it under a wobbly table leg, he decided to contact the company that delivered it and let them know that they didn’t need to waste any more trees or time delivering phone books to him. The message didn’t quite take. Unwanted phone books are pretty low on his list of problems in life, but that’s an easy problem to solve. Right? [More]

Judge: Yellow Pages Will Continue To Be Chucked At Your Door & Subsequently Thrown Away Because Of 1st Amendment
You hear the “kerthunk!” at your door and you know the dinosaur has landed. And by dinosaur of course we mean the Yellow Pages and by landed we mean the ginormous book you likely no longer need because of a thing called the Internet has been chucked onto your property. It seems they won’t stop kerthunking, either, as a judge says it’s totally constitutional for the directory’s publishers to keep bombarding consumers with the obsolete books. [More]

Our Records Indicate That You Don't Want A Phone Book… Here Is Your Phone Book
“Our records indicate that you have elected not to receive the AT&T directory currently being delivered,” said the tag left on Chris’s doorknob. This is correct. He has requested to not receive any phone books whatsoever, from any phone company, for the last three years. AT&T doesn’t believe him, though, so they left him some phone books just in case. [More]

Seattle Residents Have Canceled 225,000 Yellow Pages In Only Two Months
Even though the Seattle city council announced it would be creating an opt-out registry for residents who don’t want the Yellow Pages delivered anymore last October, the registry didn’t go live until May. But in the short period of time since that launch, the response has been overwhelming. [More]

Yellow Pages Sues Seattle For Letting Residents Opt-Out Of Getting Phone Books
A few weeks ago we wrote about the recently passed ordinance in Seattle that would create a do-not-deliver list for residents who no longer want to receive the doorstop that is the phone book. Now we hear from the Yellow Pages Association that they have filed a lawsuit alleging that the regulations violate their right to free speech. [More]

Anyone Can Opt Out Of Phonebook Delivery
If you read our post about Seattle residents getting the chance to opt out of phone book delivery, don’t be jealous of our friends in the Pacific Northwest. It turns out anyone can stop phone book delivery, not just people who live in cities of Space Needles, markets at which they throw fish at you and pathetic football teams. [More]

Seattle Residents Will Soon Be Able To Opt Out Of Getting Yellow Pages
Back in May, we asked readers if they still used the White Pages and an overwhelming 87% of you said no. Soon, those of you in Seattle who no longer use the phone book will be able to opt out of receiving the annual doorstop. [More]

Has Your Office Encountered The Online Yellow Pages Scam?
Patten seriously wants the purported “Online Yellow Pages” to stop calling his office. They call once per day, looking for information on the company, but Patten is suspicious. Rightly so, as it turns out—this is a scam, and companies who respond receive a hefty invoice for “advertising” that they never authorized.