Whether you’ve already done your spring cleaning or you’re still avoiding it, your home probably has lots of stuff you don’t need anymore — Junk. Stuff. Crapola. Where to get started separating the keepers from the junk? [More]
yard sales

Live In An Apartment? Have No Yard? You Can Still Have A Yard Sale
Now that it’s summer, that means it’s time to sell your unwanted crap while sitting in front of your home. But how do you have a yard sale without a yard or a garage sale without a garage? Don’t worry. There are ways to sell your crap if you live in an apartment. [More]

Rogue Sellers Set Up Fake ‘Yard Sales’ To Get Around Paying Rent, Taxes
Want to start a retail business but don’t want to be bogged down with having to sign a lease or paying all the taxes associated with running a store? Just pretend you’re having a yard sale each weekend… at a different house every time. [More]

Yard Sale Proves Fruitful For Man Who Found First Dated Baseball Card In Photo Album
Anyone who’s ever picked through a garage sale, yard sale or antique store can relate to the thrill of finding something unexpected and desirable amid the heaps of broken old toys and worthless junk. And sometimes, the best finds of all stay hidden even after the transaction has been made. That was the case for an antique picker in Maine who found what could be the first dated baseball card tucked away in a photo album. [More]

Buy Tchotchkes At Yard Sale, Make Up A Story About 'Em, Sell Both On eBay
Have you ever picked up something at a yard sale and wondered where the heck it came from? Like a disturbing clown painting that the owner has a hard time parting with, or a queer Hummel knockoff. The bloggers at Significant Objects seem to have.

Don't Worry, Reselling Children's Clothing Isn't About To Become Illegal. Probably.
Reselling your kid’s used clothing could soon violate federal law. Come February 10, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act will prevent retailers from selling children’s products that haven’t been certified as lead free. Old hand-me-downs, of course, haven’t been certified for anything more than running around the yard. Parents are worried, petitions are being drawn up, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission isn’t doing much to clarify the law.