worst company in america

Round 20: Wellpoint vs Charter Cable

Round 20: Wellpoint vs Charter Cable

This is Round 20 in our Worst Company in America contest, Wellpoint vs Charter Cable.

Wellpoint: is a health insurance company that’s part of BlueCrossBlueShield. They don’t believe anesthesia is necessary for colonoscopies. That pretty much encapsulates all you need to know about them.

Round 19: Dell vs Home Depot

Round 19: Dell vs Home Depot

This is Round 19 in our Worst Company in America contest, Dell vs Home Depot.

Dell: Formerly the king of direct to customer PC sales, Dell now has a well-deserved reputation for abysmal bad customer service ever since they outsourced their Home and Home Office customer service departments (secret trick: always order from Small Business, it’s US based and the reps and techs still know what they’re doing). Horror stories of botched warranty repairs abound. Just Google “Dell Hell” and you’ll know what the company is so reviled.

Round 18: Sears vs Citibank

Round 18: Sears vs Citibank

This is Round 18 in our Worst Company in America contest, Sears vs Citibank.

Round 17: Wal-Mart vs TJMaxx

Round 17: Wal-Mart vs TJMaxx

This is Round 17 in our Worst Company in America contest, Wal-Mart vs TJMaxx.

Everyone has their own special reason for hating Wal-Mart. Forcing manufacturers to make shoddier versions of their products is pretty bad. Selling sandals that gave patrons feet chemical burns was pretty bad too. What’s yours?

TJMaxx’s lax wireless security lead to the theft millions upon millions of customer’s debit and credit card numbers being stolen, the greatest bank robbery in the history of the freakin’ world.

Round 16: Mattel vs ATT

Round 16: Mattel vs ATT

This is Round 16 in our Worst Company in America contest, Mattel vs AT&T.

Mattel profited off of selling millions of toys covered in lead paint, as well a toy with detachable, swallowable, magnet balls.

Round 15: Capital One vs Video Professor

Round 15: Capital One vs Video Professor

This is Round 15 in our Worst Company in America contest, Capital One vs Video Professor.

Capital One’s amusing credit card commercials aren’t so funny after dealing with their appalling customer service staffed by thugs and gutter snipes.

Round 14: eBay/Paypal vs COX

This is Round 14 in our Worst Company in America contest, eBay/Paypal vs COX cable.

Round 13: Apple Vs SallieMae

Round 13: Apple Vs SallieMae

Round 12: Diebold Vs Pfizer

Round 12: Diebold Vs Pfizer

Pfizer hires stunt doubles to row for their not-a-physician (former) pitchman Dr. Robert Jarvik and this severely upsets Congress. They also don’t want you to use cheaper generics. And produce potentially misleading and sketchy commercials about Celebrex. And they also make car sick medicine for dogs.

Round 11: MTV Vs TransUnion

Round 11: MTV Vs TransUnion

Round 10: CompUSA Vs DirecTV

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Round 9: Target Vs Best Buy

Round 9: Target Vs Best Buy

Best Buysells you boxes of bathroom tiles instead of products; lets Geek Squad steal your personal photos and pornography; sets their cellphones to record you showering while they’re supposed to be fixing your computer, and tries to turn “bad” customers into good ones by pushing you to buy expensive unnecessary extended warranties. They had a “secret website” that looked like BestBuy.com but displayed different prices.

Round 8: Allstate vs Verizon

Round 8: Allstate vs Verizon

This is round 8 in our Worst Company in America 2008 contest, Allstate vs Verizon.

Round 7: DeBeers vs 1-800 Flowers

Round 7: DeBeers vs 1-800 Flowers

This is round 7 in our Worst Company in America 2008 contest, DeBeers vs 1-800 Flowers.

Round 5: Exxon vs Crocs

Round 5: Exxon vs Crocs

Exxon Valdez crash spilled 11 million gallons of oil into Alaskan waters. Recently Exxon petitioned to have the $2.5 billion in punitive damages reduced because it thought they were excessive. Exxon was also sued in lawsuit claiming their Indonesian subsidiary allowed their facilities to be used by the Indonesian government to torture 11 villagers.

Round 4: Google Vs Sony

Round 4: Google Vs Sony

Round 3: Ticketmaster vs Wachovia

Round 3: Ticketmaster vs Wachovia

This is round 3 in our Worst Company In America contest, Ticketmaster vs. Wachovia. Their crimes?

Round 2: Facebook vs The American Arbitration Association

This is round 2 in our Worst Company In America contest, Facebook vs The American Arbitration Association. Their major crimes: The American Arbitration Association is the main supplier of kangaroo courts to companies who want to deprive consumers of most of their rights in the event of a legal dispute. Most contracts you sign with companies these days contain a mandatory arbitration clause. Facebook is a social networking site for yupsters that for a while was spying on all your purchases and selling the data to big big advertisers so they could sell you more ads. Which is the greater threat to our way of life? Choose!