With more competitors in the market for healthy and organic foods, the grocery chain Whole Foods has had to lower its prices. The company is both planning a lower-priced offshoot chain and lowering prices in its current stores. According to a recent survey of their customers, that effort really isn’t paying off: customers still think that the chain is expensive and not worth the extra cost. [More]
whole paycheck

Every Regular Grocery Store Is Already A Downmarket Whole Foods
The idea of a lower-priced version of Whole Foods aimed at younger consumers is intriguing, but there’s already a hugely popular downmarket alternative to Whole Foods for people seeking natural and organic groceries. It’s called Walmart. [More]

Whole Foods CEO Spurs Boycott With Health Care Views
Memo to Whole Foods CEO John Mackey: when much of your customer base consists of reusable-bag-using, wheatgrass-munching “progressive” types, it’s probably not such a good idea to publish an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal criticizing current health care reform proposals. At least if you don’t want said customers organizing boycotts of your stores.