Sometimes it’s not enough for thieves to simply steal your electronics — they apparently just have to use them afterwards as well. Which can turn out to be a very good thing that they do if it helps owners track down their stolen tablets, phones or in this case, game consoles. [More]
what goes around

Homeless Man Reaps $145K Reward For Returning Engagement Ring Dropped In His Cup
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Honesty is the best policy when it comes to finding things that aren’t yours. A homeless man in Kansas City, Mo. found that out in quite a delightful way, after returning a diamond engagement ring he found in his change cup to the woman who’d dropped it. She and her fiancé have raised $145,000 in donations to reward him for his kindness. [More]

Chase Ordered To Pay $100M To Credit Card Customers For Boosting Minimum Payments
JPMorgan Chase hit up its customers for some additional cash back in 2008 and 2009 when it raised minimum monthly payments on many of its credit cards from 2% to 5%, and now it seems the tables have turned. As part of a class-action settlement over litigation brought by customers, the bank has agreed to pay $100 million to its cardholders for improperly boosting payments in order to generate higher fees. [More]