Unadulterated gold: Amazon.com hates all lesbians. Or, at least one. An open letter, ostensibly to us.

De Beers Surefire Marriage Starter Kit
Our favorite advertising inside man who cares enough to hate, with a heart, sends in this gem:

Target Wants to Sell You a ‘Monkey Full Bedskirt’
A strange glitch on the online Target gift registry service is causing one bride-to-be’s registry to display something odd. Right next to “Pyrex 16-pc. Starter Set” and “KitchenAid 2-qt. Red Teakettle” there’s a skillet listed as “Monkey Full Bedskirt.”
Consumers Speak: OrbitzMisunderstanding Sends Pop on Wedding Day Adventure
Update: A couple of you have written in to criticize our framing of this complaint, pointing out that this was not an error on the part of Orbitz or America West so much as a failure of planning on the part of those involved. You’re right. We do read every complaint before posting them, but we didn’t think this one through. Apologies. (We still enjoyed the story, however.)