Yesterday, only weeks after the FCC voted to draft rules that would require pay-TV companies to open up the set-top box market to competitors, Comcast announced a deal with Samsung that will allow owners of certain TVs to access their cable TV without the need to pay for a cable box every month. The industry and its supporters are heralding the news as a clear demonstration that the FCC should just shut up and stop all its regulating, but the reports of the set-top box’s death are greatly exaggerated. [More]
We Can Do Better
NCLC: More Can Be Done To Protect Consumers From Hurtful Medical Debt On Credit Reports
Upcoming changes to the way FICO calculates credit scores will improve the way americans access credit, but advocates from the National Consumer Law Center – and legislators – are aiming to create an overhaul of the entire credit reporting system; starting with medical debt. [More]