
Walmart to Offer Video Downloads

Walmart to Offer Video Downloads

CNNMoney is reporting that Walmart will begin offering video downloads, beginning with an exclusive “Superman Returns” DVD bundle containing a video download option with purchase of the physical DVD:

Walmart Nazi Shirt Watch: Day 19

Walmart Nazi Shirt Watch: Day 19

19 days after a blogger first discovered Walmart selling shirts with Nazi insignia, the shirts can still be found on the shelves, this time in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. John writes:

You Came. You Shopped. You Bought a Skinny TV.

Flat panel TVs are shaping up to be the most popular purchase this holiday season. Why? You consumers are too “confused” (read: too smart to get drawn in) by the format wars between HD DVD and Blu-ray, and you can’t get your hands on a Wii or a PS3. That leaves your ugly, bulky old TV. Ugh! Time for a new one. Also, in addition to a flat screen, you want a bigger TV. “Screen size is very important to consumers this season, with a majority of them looking at screens of 30 inches or more and spending an average of $1,950. The 42-inch size will be the most popular of all, IDC said. “

Walmart Nazi Shirts Still On Sale, Still

Walmart Nazi Shirts Still On Sale, Still

18 days after a blogger first discovered Walmart selling shirts with Nazi insignia, the shirts can still be found on the shelves, this time in Ledgewood, NJ.

Fight Videos Black Friday Roundup

Fight Videos Black Friday Roundup

All the newscasts seem determined to show Black Friday shoppers as an orderly stream of value-conscious consumers, en masse as they are.

Walmart’s Website Is Down, Probably On Purpose

Walmart’s Website Is Down, Probably On Purpose

As of 1:36 this afternoon, Walmart’s online site is down, either due to “Scheduled Maintenance,” or “High Traffic Volume.” The site displayed different messages to us upon successive visits.

Target Offers $4 Drugs At All Pharmacies

Target is set to begin offering its $4 generic drug program at all of its 1,287 pharmacies. Previously, Target only offered the program in markets where Walmart was offering their $4 program. No longer. From Reuters:

Last Minute Walmart 52″ Widescreen Projection HDTV $474.00

Not to be outdone by Best Buy’s Seven Hour Specials, rumors suggest Walmart will release 8 Secret Deals.

Walmart Still Selling Nazi Shirts

Walmart Still Selling Nazi Shirts

Scattered reports indicates Walmart is still selling a tshirt bearing Nazi insignia, up to 10 days after Walmart promised their removal. [More]

PS3 Sales Erupt In Violence, Political Disgrace

PS3 Sales Erupt In Violence, Political Disgrace

The understocked PS3 has become the Paris Hilton of the gaming world. Demand is so fever-pitched that several opening day sales have resulted in violence and political defamation.

Fairey Responds To Walmart Ripping Off His Nazi Shirt

Shepard Fairey told us what he thought about Walmart ripping off his Nazi tshirt design: [More]

CNN Reports On Walmart’s Nazi Shirt

Set to the tune of “Flight of the Valkyrie,” here is CNN soft-serving the Nazi Walmart Tshirt story we’ve been obsessing over covering with such diligence. [More]

Walmart Ripped Off Nazi Shirt From Graffiti Writer

Walmart Ripped Off Nazi Shirt From Graffiti Writer

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Target Holding Its Own Against Walmart

Target Holding Its Own Against Walmart

Third quarter profit reports are out today and both Walmart and Target did well.

Walmart Nazi Shirts Still On Sale

Walmart Nazi Shirts Still On Sale


We Interview Blogger Who Discovered Walmart’s Nazi Tshirts

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Recent updates to this story.
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Totenkopf Shirts On Ebay

Totenkopf Shirts On Ebay

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