wal mart

Wal-Mart Sells Organics, Aims To Save World’s Fish

Wal-Mart Sells Organics, Aims To Save World’s Fish

Although we’re sure this approach just opens an entirely new venue in which we can criticise them, Wal-Mart is now throwing its weight behind organic products.

The Great Wal-Mart of China

The Great Wal-Mart of China

    “Wal-Mart Stores plans to hire up to 150,000 employees in China over the next five years, five times the number of workers it currently has there, as it expands its number of stores, the company said Monday.”

Wal-Mart To Begin Stocking Morning-After Pill

Wal-Mart To Begin Stocking Morning-After Pill

Wal-Mart, finally caving to opposition, will start selling the Plan B morning-after pill at its pharmacies across the nation this week. The decision comes after the Massachusetts Pharmacy Board determined that Wal-Mart was required to sell the pill in its 44 Massachusetts pharmacies, after a similar ruling in Illinois.

Amazon Recommends Adoption Over Abortion

Amazon Recommends Adoption Over Abortion

According to the New York Times,

    “Until a few days ago, a search of Amazon’s catalog of books using the word “abortion” turned up pages with the question, “Did you mean adoption?” at the top, followed by a list of books related to abortion.”

Don’t Forget to Vote, Halliburton vs. Wal-Mart

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Wal-Mart Buys MLK Juice

Wal-Mart Buys MLK Juice

Wal-Mart purchased another gilt bullhorn, this time, in the form of a former aide to Martin Luther King Jr.

Steve Rubel Blog Marketing Q&A At Washington Post

Speaking of the Walmart/Edelman scandal, there’s a Q&A session with Steve Rubel, senior vice president at Edelman, up at the Washington Post. On one hand, as is the rule-of-greasy-thumb for PR double-speak, most of it seems eminently reasonable and level-headed. In fact, a good amount of it we agree with. But there’s a couple of pearls of wisdom that have tumbled from Rubel’s snout that betray the usual slimy patronization of consumers by executives that gets The Consumerist shouting “Spoon!”

PR Monolith Edelman’s Wal-Mart Cramps and Diarrhea

PR Monolith Edelman’s Wal-Mart Cramps and Diarrhea

A brief glance on what goes on inside the mind of PR giant and Wal-Mart lover, Richard Edelman, courtesy of Gawker.com. Our virginal, Harriet-the-Spy-esque sister writes,

Parody Wal-Mart T-Shirt Designer Sued

Parody Wal-Mart T-Shirt Designer Sued

Charles Smith of Bentonville, Arkansas is under fire from the Wa-Mart’s switchblade gang of crack attorneys from marketing t-shirts with the message “I {heart} WAL*OCAUST. They have family values and their alcohol, tobacco and firearms are 20% off.”

PR Agency Steps Up About Wal-Mart Blogging

PR Agency Steps Up About Wal-Mart Blogging

We emailed Steve Rubel, a PR blog maven who recently was hired by Edelman, the same PR agency handling the Wal-Mart blog apparatchik. We asked him what he thought of the Wal-Mart blog affair. He passed our email along to Marshall at Blue World Wide, the advertising division of Edelman, who wrote us a nice note…after the jump.

New Jersey to Wal-Mart: Your Look Sucks. Change It.

In Freehold Township, New Jersey, Wal-Mart’s has been forced to clamp down on its ugly, ugly decor:

Majority Of New Yorkers Love/Hate Wal-Mart… In The Same Poll!

According to this Quinnipiac University poll, over 50% of New Yorker’s supported Wal-Mart infilitrating Gotham. But the Neighborhood Retail Alliance picks apart thier findings and comes to the opposite conclusion: most New Yorkers don’t want Wal-Mart in their city:

Wal-Mart Executive Funds $500,000 Booze-Fueled Rampage

Wal-Mart Executive Funds $500,000 Booze-Fueled Rampage

It turns out that our loathed, stinky arch-nemesis Wal-Mart doesn’t merely steal the souls of the self-respecting working Joe (not to mention the serenity of America’s picturesque highway suburbs). It also steals from itself.

How Wal-Mart Consumes Countries

s feet.

When Selling at Wal-Mart is Bad for Business

What does it take for a company to decide that selling their product through Wal-Mart’s chain might hurt their business? This excerpt of an excerpt from Fast Company might give you a clue, as a vice-president at lawnmower company Snapper explains to Wal-Mart why he can’t continue to offer his product in their stores:

“Now, at the price I’m selling to you today, I’m not making any money on it. And if we do what you want next year, I’ll lose money. I could do that and not go out of business. But we have this independent-dealer channel. And 80% of our business is over here with them. And I can’t put them at a competitive disadvantage. If I do that, I lose everything. So this just isn’t a compatible fit.”