Just days after another Walmart launched the holiday giving season by placing a food donation bin for employees to help out their co-workers in need, some workers have placed a much larger bin outside the home of someone who makes a little bit more than $10/hour from the nation’s largest retailer — Alice Walton. [More]
wage wars

Walmart Employees Once Again Planning Black Friday Protests For Higher Pay
Despite a Walmart executive’s generalized promise to eventually raise the wages for the company’s lowest paid employees, a group of workers have announced plans to protest the mega-retailer on Black Friday for the third year. [More]

Walmart CEO Promises To Eventually Raise Wages For Lowest-Paid Workers
As proponents of higher pay for Walmart workers prepare for a day of protests against the retailer, its CEO is making the vague pledge that the company will eventually no longer have employees making only the national minimum wage. [More]

Dozens Of Arrests Made In Fast Food Wage Protests Around Country
As we mentioned earlier this week, supporters of higher wages for fast food workers staged protests in cities all over the country today. According to reports, a number of these demonstrations resulted arrests. [More]

More Fast Food Strikes Expected For Thursday
Getting a Big Mac, Whopper, Baconator, Double Down, or Chalupa might be a bit of an inconvenience on Thursday, as supporters of the movement for higher pay and union membership for fast food workers say employees will strike in 150 cities. [More]

Restaurants Can Deduct Credit Card Fees From Servers’ Tips, But Should They?
A few days ago, the minimum wage in Minnesota increased for the first time in years to $8/hour, putting it slightly above the federal minimum of $7.25. Some businesses are responding to the pay hike by tacking on “minimum wage” fees to customers or by taking credit card service charges out of servers’ tips. [More]

McDonald’s Franchisee: Company Told Me To Pay Employees Less
McDonald’s, the largest fast food employer in the country, is at the center of the ongoing debate about minimum wage levels, and about the relationship between franchisees and their corporate overlords. One owner of a McDonald’s franchise in California says the folks at McDonald’s HQ have an answer for franchisees who complain about paper-thin profit margins on their food — pay employees less money. [More]

NLRB Rules That McDonald’s And Franchisees Are Joint Employers
In a decision that could impact not just the fast food business, but all chain retailers that use the franchisee model, the National Labor Relations Board Office of the General Counsel announced today that McDonald’s can possibly be held responsible for franchisees’ bad labor practices. [More]

IKEA To Hike Minimum Wage To $10.76/Hour
About half of IKEA’s 13,651 U.S. employees are going to get a modest raise in the new year, with the world’s largest furniture retailer announcing that it will raise its starting hourly wage from $9.17 to $10.76 starting in January. [More]

San Francisco Voters To Consider $15/Hour Minimum Wage
In the wake of the Seattle City Council approving a plan to gradually increase the local minimum wage to $15/hour over the next three-to-seven years, the residents of San Francisco will be asked to decide on a 4-year schedule for raising pay in the city to the same level. [More]

Franchisees Will Go To Court To Stop Seattle’s $15/Hr Minimum Wage
Yesterday, the Seattle City Council unanimously approved a plan that will raise the minimum wage for workers to $15/hour over the next three-to-seven years. But business-owners who run franchise operations in the city say they are being unfairly targeted, and it looks like this issue may end up in a courtroom. [More]

Seattle City Council Approves Plan To Increase Min. Wage To $15/Hour
While federal lawmakers mull over the President’s call for a $10/hour minimum wage, the Seattle City Council has approved a phased-in wage increase that will eventually lift the city’s minimum hourly pay to $15 an hour, the highest rate in the entire country. [More]

On Second Day Of Protests, McDonald’s CEO Says “We Pay Fair Wages” To Workers
While protesters seeking higher wages for fast food workers gathered for a second day near McDonald’s corporate headquarters outside of Chicago, the chain’s CEO told the company’s investors that there is nothing wrong with what McDonald’s employees are paid. [More]

Will Fast Food Workers Around The World Strike On May 15?
In an effort to raise awareness for their goal of higher wages for fast food workers, labor organizers announced today that May 15 will be a day full of walk-offs, with workers at McDonald’s, Burger King and other eateries striking in 150 cities on six continents (sorry, Antarctica). [More]

Disney World Proposes Raising Starting Wages To $10/Hour
While lawmakers in D.C. argue over whether or not to raise the federal minimum wage, Walt Disney Co. has made an offer to the unions representing thousands of employees at its Disney World park in Florida that would raise employees’ starting pay from $8.03 to $10 over the course of the next two years. [More]

McDonald’s Employees In 3 States File Wage-Related Lawsuits
Over the last two days, McDonald’s employees in California, Michigan and New York have filed a total of seven class-action suits against the fast food giant and various franchise operators, alleging a range of violations, from failing to pay overtime, to making employees work undocumented hours. [More]

President To Issue Order Expanding Number Of Workers Eligible For Overtime
Under current guidelines, most people earning more than $455/week (about $24K/year) are ineligible for overtime pay, but multiple news reports claim that President Obama is set to issue an executive order that would increase the number of people able to collect those extra wages. [More]

Gap Promises To Increase Worker Minimum Wage To $10/Hour… In A Year Or So
While lawmakers argue about the possible benefits and risks of raising the federal minimum wage by more than 25%, the CEO of Gap Inc. says it will gradually increase its lowest wage tier to $10 an hour over the next two years. [More]