Have you ever been watching a heavily edited, bleeped and blurred-out movie on broadcast TV (or maybe on a plane) and thought to yourself, “I really wish I could get that version to watch at home!”? Well, Sony has read your mind and created cleaned-up editions of several popular movies — all while annoying just about everyone in Hollywood in the process. [More]

Walmart’s Streaming Video Service VUDU Discounts All Of This Year’s Emmy-Nominated Shows To $.67
For folks who might enjoy, say, Game of Thrones and Veep, but not enough to pay for HBO or HBO Now just for those two shows, or someone who wants to watch House of Cards without getting a Netflix subscription, Walmart’s streaming service VUDU might make sense: it charges per episode for TV shows, instead of requiring an upfront subscription fee for access to its libraries. VUDU is now sweetening the deal on some shows, knocking the per-episode price of all 2015 Emmy nominees and winners down to $0.67. [More]

Walmart Launches Digital Video Service So Customers Who Still Buy Blu-rays, DVDs Will Redeem Digital Copies
Walmart appears to be going Hollywood. No, the company isn’t going to be the focus of a movie. Instead the mega-retailer and its digital entertainment service, VUDU, have launched a new service putting digital copies of movies at customers’ fingertips – or rather on their smartphones and tablets. [More]

VUDU Alerts Customers To Theft Of Hard Drives Containing Personal User Info
In the last hour, several Consumerist readers have forwarded us e-mails they have received from the video-streaming folks at VUDU. The message alerts customers to a recent theft at the company offices and the potential that customers’ private information could be compromised. [More]

Walmart Closing Down Vudu's Porn Channel
To no one’s great surprise, Vudu has announced that now that it belongs to Walmart it will be shutting down the adult section. No more streaming HD porn from Vudu, everybody. Their announcement after the jump. [More]

Walmarts Gets Into Streaming Video With Possible Vudu Acquisition
While Walmart sells everything from gasoline to groceries, and they have a pretty sizable online presence, they haven’t gotten into the lucrative business of on-demand/streaming video. But that could all change with news that the box store leviathan is about to purchase streaming video service Vudu. [More]