
Volkswagen: “Why Not Skip A Payment?”

Volkswagen: “Why Not Skip A Payment?”

Ramit over at I Will Teach You To Be Rich sent us this heads up about some predatory lending behavior from Volkswagen Credit. Ramit’s friend received a friendly-looking mailing suggesting, “Why Not Skip a Payment This Holiday Season?” The text of the letter reads:

Ogling the Complainosphere

• Volkswagen likes to sponsor concerts by wives of convicted war criminals, and no, we’re not just talking Hitler’s Youth Army Dance Party this time. GENOCIDE! LIVE! AND IN CONCERT! Will the Jetta’s superior side-crash safety rating protect us from the pangs of conscience? [Report from a concert by a Serbian war-criminal]

Volkswagen GTI 2006: Turbo Testicles

Volkswagen GTI 2006: Turbo Testicles

Volkswagen has opted to remove billboards in New York, Los Angeles and Miami for the new GTI 2006 after Hispanics in the neighborhood found it either offensive or hysterical. The GTI’s slogan? “Turbo Cojones.”

Consumers Speak: Volkswagen’s Not-So-Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles

Consumers Speak: Volkswagen’s Not-So-Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles

Here’s a depressing story from Melanie O. It seems that Volkswagen’s ‘Certified Pre-Owned’ program can mean, well, whatever a dealership wants it to mean. That’s a shame, too, because we just so happen to be fans of the company’s product.