
This 9-Year-Old Has An $18,000 Line Of Credit

PREVIOUSLY: You’re Never Too Young To Have Your Identity Stolen

Improv Everywhere Protests Wendy's Stereotypical Depiction Of Redheads

Redheads [Improv Everwhere]

McDonald's Introduces 1/3 Pound Burger

Supersize Me’s effects have worn off. Burger King takes market share by introducing more calorie rich items. And, you need something for the new 42 oz Hugo to wash down.

TSA Will Screen Sky Harbor Airport 24/7, Instead Of Just 19.5/7

PREVIOUSLY: Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport: Secured for Only 19.5 Hours Per Day

Beware Nationwide Locksmith Swindle

Takeaway: AAA membership has perks. Or, consider taking a few to find a locksmith with a good local word of mouth and putting their number on your cellphone. The fire department can unlock cars, but only if it’s on fire or there’s a baby trapped inside. And of course, try not to lock your keys in your car.

Canceled Flights Up 133%

Why? Number of flights are up 14%. Essentially, we’re looking at a traffic jam in the air, and on the tarmac.

ER Check-In Via Electronic Kiosk

Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas is the nation’s first hospital to have electronic kiosks for ER check-in. The goal is to speed the patient registration process and delivery of care, and reduce costs. Looks like a win-win situation. Just hope it doesn’t go all The Tower on you.


Reader Bricko revealed the identity of the journalist who filed a story on 24-Hour Fitness from his hospital bed: It’s Marvin Zindler, beloved Houston TV personality, whose consumer reports often focus on rat and roach droppings, and “slime in the ice machine,” found in local restaurants. [Wikipedia, YouTube]

So-Called "24 Hour Fitness" Locks Customer In After 10pm

Woman finds herself locked inside fitness center alone [ABC13]

Mood In Airport Security Line Found Tense

The Today Show’s report on TSA procedures is mainly a bunch of crap everyone knows already, but we decided to edit together all the passenger interviews from the story to give a little dose of the current passenger mood regarding security lines. Takeaway: they hate them and would like to be able to bring on baby formula to feed their children.

Video Of Ted Stevens Wanting To Switch Between Phones "As I Ride My Motorcycle"

In it, he says, “Is it coming? Why shouldn’t I be able to say, just by a little switch on my phone at home that’s wired, I’m going off on the wireless now, I want to use this as I ride my motorcycle…I’m bad. Pardon me.”

419 Scammer's Music Video

Gotta say, we agree with the ol’ chap.


Concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the few and restricting the free-flow of information are the two main factors to look for when deciding whether a community is sliding towards despotism, according to this retro Encyclopedia Brittanica filmstrip. [YouTube]

Don't Fly Out Of JFK In The Afternoon

newVideoPlayer(“jfk_delays_gawker.flv”, 475, 376);The Today Show says that the overturing of a federal law limiting afternoon departures has lead to extreme flight delays and pileups at JFK in NY. Guess you wanna try and fly out of there in the morning or at night.

Air Traffic Control Blames Errors On Pilots To Fudge Safety Reports?

Trouble In The Air [MSNBC]

Visa Tap-N-Go Ads Piss Us Off

We loathe these Visa commercials. They show commerce going along like clockwork. People paying with their tap-and-go Visa card. Getting their donuts. Until one guy pay with cash. Everything screeches to a halt. He gets looks from the cashier and other customers.

Subway's "3 Foot" Subs Are Shorter Than 3 Feet

Apropos of our post on new Subway Super-Stuffed Subs, the Arizona Department of Weights and Measures sent us this KNVX investigative news clip into sandwiches that weren’t quite measuring up…

We got a complaint about six months ago concerning six-foot subs that weren’t six feet long. Subway’s response was to change its advertising – in Arizona at least – but not address the issue that its six-foot subs were about four inches short of the advertised length.

Our favorite part is when the calipers show Subway’s three-foot sub box isn’t even three feet long.

How To Avoid Moving Scams

Gallant got recommendations from friends, and made the company agree on a “not to exceed” price for the move.