Kimberly and her Verizon Pad 2 didn’t know it, but her tablet has an evil twin lurking somewhere in the country. It lurked, waiting to steal her iPad’s identity and rob it of its network connectivity. Who created this horrible monster? Er… Verizon Wireless. [More]

Verizon FiOS Won't Stop Billing Me For Phantom Cable Boxes
Heath exchanged his two Verizon FiOS set-top boxes for two shiny new ones, but Verizon was unable to let go. They just couldn’t get the idea through their billing system that Heath has two boxes now, not four. So they kept billing Heath for all four, until he gave up and got rid of FiOS entirely. Now they’re trying to get him to pay $900 for the boxes that he already returned in January, even though he’s provided them with the equipment return paperwork. [More]

Striking Verizon Workers To Lose Benefits If Strike Continues
Verizon isn’t too thrilled with the idea that it’s paying for health insurance benefits for 45,000 striking workers. Thus, the telecom giant has said it will cease funding certain benefits if those employees aren’t back on the job by the end of the month. [More]

Verizon Keeps You Up Until Midnight, Still Can't Provide Internet Access
Brian has a very simple problem. He has Verizon FiOS service. He moved within the same apartment complex, and checked with Verizon to see what he could do about moving his service. Only now the move is done, Verizon’s instructions didn’t work, they can’t get a tech out until this weekend. Brian works from home, and this isn’t acceptable when all that needs to happen is having a switch or two flipped in the basement. [More]

Verizon 4G MiFi Device Could End Up Crippled If You Stray Into 3G Territory
Verizon Wireless has already sold millions of Novatel MiFi 4510L mobile hotspot devices, which should work on Big V’s 4G and 3G networks. But there’s a glitch that has some users permanently stuck in 3G mode. [More]

FCC Broadband Study Shows Which Companies Actually Come Close To Meeting Advertised Download Speeds
Today, at — of all places — a Best Buy in Washington, DC, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced the results of the agency’s Measuring Broadband America study, which looked to put a more accurate number on what consumers should be expecting from their broadband providers. [More]

Get Free Minutes In Verizon Wireless Class Action
A class action suit that alleged Verizon Wireless charged customers on the “America’s Choice II Calling Plan” for roaming, even though the plan is supposed to have no domestic roaming, has resulted in a settlement. If you were a subscriber to this plan at any point after February 21, 2005, you’re gonna get some free minutes. [More]

How I Finally Convinced Verizon That "Price For Life" Doesn't Mean "Turn My Service Off When Price Goes Up"
Telecom companies often have a hard time grasping the subtleties of single words like “unlimited” or “guarantee.” So a three-word phrase like “price for life” is likely too complex for a company like Verizon to begin to parse. This is what Consumerist reader Karen recently found out when trying to sort out what should have been a simple problem with her bill. [More]

Verizon Billing & Sales Practices Under Investigation In Maryland
While the folks in Washington, D.C., are proposing regulations to prevent bizarre, and often illegal, third-party charges from being buried on your phone bill, officials in a nearby Maryland county are actually investigating Verizon’s billing practices following complaints that the phone company has been charging customers for services they didn’t request. [More]

Verizon Tells Customer She Needs Lawyer & Subpoena For Itemized Bill, Judge Disagrees
Earlier this year, a woman in Pennsylvania contacted Verizon to find out more information about the $4.19 she was being charged on her home phone bill for six, unspecified local calls. Big V told her it would provide the itemized information, if she got a lawyer with a subpoena. Several months later, and without an attorney, she finally got a judge to agree with her. [More]

Comcast, Verizon, Others Hop On Board Anti-Piracy "Copyright Alert System"
We know, because you’ve told us, that a number of you prefer to get your movies and premium TV via less-than-legal internet sources. We’re not going to judge you for that, but you may soon begin seeing notices from the new Copyright Alert System to let you know that they are aware of your dirty downloads and would you kindly stop. [More]

Canceling Verizon Without ETF Over Fee Increase Is Hard But Doable
Some readers have tried out the info from yesterday about using an increased regulatory fee Verizon is charging to get out of contract without paying an early termination fee (ETF). The most successful so far was commenter doogz, who got his ETF cut in half. Here is his story: [More]

New Fee Is Your Chance To Break Verizon Contract Without Paying Early Termination Fee
It’s possible to break out of your Verizon Wireless contract in the next 60 days without paying an early termination fee because they’re increasing the “regulatory fee” they charge customers from $.13 to $.16. This is what is known as a “materially adverse change of contract” and by standard contract law, it renders the contract void if one of the parties doesn’t like the change. [More]

Full Details On New Verizon Data Plans Leaked
Android Central got their mitts on the official internal training charts as well as a lengthy email to Verizon Wireless retailers explaining the nitty gritty on how the new tiered data plans work, and how much they’re going to cost you. [More]

Verizon Rolling Out New Tiered Data Plans July 7th
Tipsters have told Droid Life that Verizon Wireless is getting ready to roll out a new tiered data plan structure that will hit the streets on July 7th. Essentially, they will be $5 more per data tier than AT&T’s. Here’s the breakdown: [More]

Verizon Sends Software Updates To Man While He Helps Sick Grandma In Japan, Charges $600
Chris had to go to Japan recently to help out with his deathly ill grandmother. He brought his new Verizon iPhone4 with him. While he was there, Verizon pushed a series of updates to his phone, and that racked up over $600 in global roaming charges. When he called customer service, they told him the charges were valid and nothing could be done. He couldn’t even get retroactively added to an international plan as Verizon says they don’t have one anymore that covers Asia/Japan. [More]

Walmart Cuts iPhone 4 To $147
Walmart announced this week that they were chopping the price on 16 GB iPhone 4’s to $147, down from $197. The deal is only for a limited time and runs through June 30th. [More]