You’ve got to spend money to make money. That appears to be the mantra over at Netflix, where the DVD-by-mail service turned mega-streaming outlet has racked up nearly $20 billion in debt expanding its platform to new areas, producing original content, and buying the rights to show other company’s movies and TV shows. [More]

Target Jumps On Gift Card Exchange Bandwagon; Offers Customers Less Than Cards Are Worth
With the bulk of the holiday celebrations having come and gone, you might be sitting around the dried-out Christmas tree counting up all those random gift cards you received. While you appreciate the generosity of your friends and family, you just don’t have any desire to make a purchase with said cards. To that end, a number of retailers are willing to offer you a trade; joining the ranks of Walmart, GameStop, and Coinstar this year is Target. [More]

Yes, A $2 Drugstore Brand Outperformed Chanel’s $27 Nail Polish
Psychologists and economists have a lot to say about the perception of luxury and how the price tag on an item affects how we use it. However, all of this comes down to one important question: is a $27 bottle of nail polish really better than a $2 bottle of nail polish? Our fast-drying, long-wearing colleagues down the hall at Consumer Reports performed some tests. The answer will not surprise you. [More]

Someone Needs To Talk To Kellogg’s About The Meaning Of ‘Value’
“Walmart will charge me 50 cents more for the luxury of getting 10 bars instead of just 5!” Mike write when he submitted this photo using the Consumerist Tipster App. He’s being unfair: who doesn’t want to pay extra for the privilege of dragging a bigger box home from the Super Walmart? [More]

Publisher: "If You Can Afford An Ebook Device, You Can Pay More For Ebooks"
Imagine trying to buy a book from Big Generic Bookstore and watching the cashier add $5 to the sticker price. “What are you doing?!” you cry out, waving a fist menacingly at him. “You look like you can afford it,” he says back to you with a hint of entitltement. That’s basically what a publishing industry expert said in a piece he wrote last week about ebook pricing. [More]

Consumers Are Shockingly Uninterested In Buying A Toyota Right Now
Kelley Blue Book says that they’ve commissioned a new survey showing that consumers who were considering a Toyota before the recall party started are now much less interested — and the effect seems to be growing. As each week passes and Toyota recalls more cars, people are thinking about buying… Fords? [More]

How To Make The Most Of Your Fancy Restaurant Experience
Frank Bruni, the outgoing restaurant critic at the New York Times, has used his last column to provide tips on how to get the best value out of your next fine dining experience.

AppleCare Is An Extended Warranty Worth Buying
I asked Apple this morning to replace my broken laptop now that they’ve reintroduced the anti-glare option on their 15″ MacBook Pros. Apple agreed, and soon a new laptop will leave China destined for my apartment. This isn’t the first laptop Apple sent me this month. It’s the second. Here’s why…

Hey, America: You Lost $1.3 Trillion!
Feeling poorer lately? You are! A new government report says that $1.3 trillion dollars of American wealth was vaporized in the first quarter of 2009.

Top 5 Best Value New Small Cars
If you’re one of the like, 6 people who are buying new cars this year, you’re probably looking to get the most for your money. Our sister-publication Consumer Reports took a look at this year’s cars in a new way — judging them based not only on their test results but on their total cost of ownership. Let’s take a look.

Dairy Queen's Recession Friendly Sweet Deal Menu Costs More
Starting next month, you might see TV spots advertising Dairy Queen‘s new “Sweet Deal” menu, which is supposed to be a value-priced alternative to their regular menu. They’re already rolling it out, and at least one item on the menu will actually cost you about 8% more than it used to.

Food Makers Want To Sell You Cheap Food For Big Profits
Gone are the days of pushing “premium” food offerings, says the Wall Street Journal— big food manufacturers like Kraft and Campbell are going to be pushing “cheap” foods like tomato soup and cheese singles — foods which are thought of as “easy on the wallet” but are still hugely profitable for the manufacturers.

Is Your HELOC In Danger Of Being Frozen?
If you have an open home equity line of credit you were counting on for renovations or other projects, you might want to read CNN Money’s article about how lenders are freezing them around the country. The main triggers for HELOC freezing are credit score changes and a rapid drop in home value in your area. The freeze may also be a computer-determined action, so if your HELOC suddenly goes away and you don’t think it was justified, it may be worth checking your FICO score and then contacting the lender to reopen the line or renegotiate it.

"Made In Italy" Is Italian For "Made In Sweatshops"
That $1,500 Prada bag may have been stitched by an illegal Chinese immigrant slaving away in a Tuscan factory. The tentacles of globalization are starting to snake dirt-cheap foreign laborers into once-protected enclaves known for their quality swag.

U.S. Dollar = Canadian Dollar For First Time Since 1976
According to the Associated Press the U.S. Dollar and the Canadian Dollar have reached parity for the first time since 1976, although Google is currently claiming that the ratio is 1 Canadian dollar = 0.987069 U.S. dollars. Fun!

Increase The Value Of Your Garage
Hey! That old garage could be worth money! If you’re like most American homeowners, you fill your garage with crap and let your car sit out in the rain. This is stupid. Stop doing this. By cleaning up your garage and making it into a useful space, you can increase the value of your home and protect the value of your car. (Psst, a good garage can add 14% to the value of your home, according to Bankrate.)