Since its creation, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has worked to protect servicemembers from ne’er-do-wells that aim to line their own pockets by taking advantage of those who protect us; from fining auto lenders for failing to issue refunds to servicemebers to ordering banks to pay for their bad debt collection practices. But with a bill to gut the agency’s power making its way through the legislature, these types of protections come to a screeching halt. [More]
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Data Shows Too Many Americans Being Pestered About Medical Debt They Don’t Owe
What’s worse than being overwhelmed by medical debt after a hospital stay or doctor’s visit? Being told you owe money for healthcare procedures and services you never received. Yet, a new analysis of federal data shows that too many Americans are being pestered to pay off medical debt that they don’t actually owe. [More]

This Holiday, Make Sure You Don’t Give Kids The Gift Of Exploding Batteries Or Lead Poisoning
‘Tis the season for millions of American consumers and families to start hitting stores and start helping “Santa” along with some toy distribution efforts. But while folks are out shopping to stuff stockings, consumer advocates warn: stay clear of potentially deadly recalled toys — and know what to do if you end up with any. [More]

Spirit Airlines: The Most Complained-About Carrier In The U.S.
Yes, we’ve repeatedly made fun of delusional Spirit Airlines CEO Ben Baldanza for his claim that his company is the “most consumer-friendly” airline around, especially when it comes in dead-last in traveler opinion surveys and is the only U.S. carrier to make a recent list of the world’s worst airlines. And a new study confirms that Spirit’s passengers are several times more likely to complain than passengers on any other domestic carrier. [More]

Millions Of College Students Pushed Into Receiving Financial Aid On Fee-Laden Cards
The cost of a college education continues to rise at the same time as many schools seek to trim their budgets. This means that a growing number of colleges are turning to financial institutions to handle the distribution of student aid. And that means that students all around the country are receiving their financial aid on cards that end up making money for the bank. [More]

HR 3997: Worst Bill Ever for Identity Theft?
HR 3997 might be a bill to watch if you’re concerned about your data getting sold to identity thieves by companies like ChoicePoint