It’s still unclear how a medium-sized bear got inside a Colorado woman’s Subaru and locked the door, but it’s nice to know that said animal was rescued from his vehicular prison by helpful sheriff’s deputies who had the good sense to get the whole thing on camera. [More]
us fish and wildlife

Govt. Rips Up $535 Ticket Mom Got After Daughter Saved Woodpecker
The US Fish and Wildlife Service says that the mother who got mailed a $535 fine after her daughter saved a woodpecker and transported it, a potential violation of federal law meant to protect migratory birds, wasn’t supposed to have gotten ticketed. Here is their statement they mailed to us this afternoon: [More]

Mom Fined $535 After Daughter Saves Woodpecker
A mother faces a $535 fine and possible jail time because her 11-year old daughter saved a baby woodpecker from the family cat. [More]