The first thing I think of when hearing that a family painted its home to look just like the colorful house in the animated movie Up is, “Aww/I wonder if it’d float if you attached balloons to it?” But for some of the neighbors of a California family who outfitted their Victorian house in Up colors, the whole thing is downright obnoxious. [More]

It's About To Become 5% More Expensive To Ship With UPS
In news that must surely have folks at the Postal Service cackling with delight — or at least it would if it weren’t after 4 p.m. and they hadn’t all gone home for the day already — UPS announced that it will soon be raising its published rates almost 5% on all domestic ground, air and international shipments that originate in the good ol’ U.S.A. [More]

Disney Removes Closed Captioning From "Up" Rental Release
Imagine you’re deaf or hard of hearing, and put off watching Pixar’s “Up” until the DVD release. You rent the DVD from Netflix, Redbox, or Blockbuster, and the box or Web listing promises captions. But when you settle in to watch the movie, you discover that there are no captions to be found. Not in any language.

Pixar Arranges Home Screening Of "Up" For Dying 10-Year-Old
We know, that headline just oozes treacle. But it’s for real! The family friend of a dying child cold-called Pixar’s offices and guessed her way through the phone tree to a live person, then pleaded her case: the child desperately wanted to see Up, but was possibly days away from death and too sick to travel or sit in a movie theater. The next day, a Pixar employee arrived with a DVD of the movie and sat with the family while they watched it. Sometimes people can be really decent to each other.

Airlines Have Bumped 343,000 Passengers This Year
Over a quarter-million passengers were bumped from flights in the past eight months, a number that is set to grow as airlines try to boost anemic profits by slashing fleets. The Department of Transportation requires airlines to compensate bumped passengers with cash or vouchers, but savvy passengers can leverage their situation to negotiate heftier payments…

Geek Squad Backs Up Your Desktop Shortcut Instead Of Your Data
Reader Mike consulted Best Buy about removing a Trojan that was infecting his computer. They suggested that he buy an external hard drive, pay Best Buy to back up his data, and use his computer’s restore disc. Mike agreed. 5 days later he got his computer and his external hard drive back — mostly empty, except for the shortcut to the folder where the data was stored. None of the files within the folder had actually been transferred.