According to anonymous insider tips, Circuit City is closing 155 stores and withdrawing from 12 markets. This will be officially announced tomorrow at 8am, says our source. A scan we received of a letter distributed to CC employees helps corroborate the story. The tipsters say that store employees were told this morning. No information was provided at that time about severance pay. Employees in certain departments, like car installation, and Firedog, will likely be out of a job within 48 hours. Warranties will still be honored. UPDATE 6: Here’s the complete official list of closing stores.

Comcast Decentralizing Network Support Groups?
A Comcast insider part of a network operations group tells me that Comcast is doing some behind the scenes reorganization and decentralization so as not to suck as much. The insider says:

Sprint Reps No Longer Allowed To Quote Customer In Quotes In Case Of Subpoena?
Interesting, completely unverified, tidbit from an anonymous Sprint employee: “We’re no longer allowed to quote the customer in our notes [on the account] because if they’re subpoenaed by a judge then they’ll be evidence proving they’re telling the truth regarding their situation.” Any Sprint insiders care to comment?

LEAKS: Insider Says Verizon Isn't Fulfilling Advertised Discounts For Tens Of Thousands
A mysterious letter was anonymously faxed to our headquarters by a self-described “disgusted” Verizon customer service rep angry at how he/she says Verizon is screwing over landline customers. Here’s the highlights of his gut-spilling:
- 30,000+ people nationwide have still not received the free HDTVs Verizon promised new FiOS triple-play subscribers
- Verizon totally screwed up the “blitz” promotion, leading some customers signing up and not getting their discounts, others getting too much discount, and others not getting their discount for months
- Employees issued over $1 million in credit in January ’08, double what was given out in Jan ’07
- $250 in discretionary credit has been reduced to $50
- Internally, Verizon refers to customer service reps who give out “too much” credit due are called “offenders.”
A Nextel customer service rep says that earlier this week around 25,000 customers erroneously received a text message saying they would be billed $5.3 million in overages. That’s each, as in $5.3 million per person. “Suffice it to say it was a busy day at the call center,” says our insider. Anyone get one of these messages and can send in a picture of it?

Does Comast Check To See If 911 Works On Your Digital Phone?
A Comcast insider warns us that Comcast does no checks to make sure 911 is working on your Comcast digital phone:
A Lowe’s worker says that at least at his store they’re marking down all open-box appliances 50% to try to get rid of them before the end of their fiscal year. This type of stuff varies by store, so your best bet is to grab a manager and see if they’re willing to bargain.

Exclusive: CompUSA's Tentative Liquidation Schedule
A CompUSA repair tech has leaked to The Consumerist what he says is their schedule for the liquidations happening now until they close everything down after the holiday season. This is in no way set in stone, he says, but it looks like this is how it’s going to go down starting this week. (He would also like everyone to know that no one his place steals porn from customers).
Rumor has it that CompUSA could be closing down for good immediately following the holidays. UPDATE: This has come true: CompUSA Will Close All Stores After Holidays

Target To Downgrade Return Policy: Receipts Always Required
A Target insider writes:“Starting next year, guests will no longer be able to return items without a receipt. This means that if you accidentally lose your receipt, or if your cashier doesn’t give you one, you’re SOL.
Rumor is that when Good Morning America ran a piece about Mona Shaw, the cranky old lady who busted up a Comcast office with a hammer, Comcast subscribers in her home town suddenly found their ABC channel had gone black. [Comcast Must Die]
According to one reader’s report, Amazon free shipping for Prime users and free Super Saver shipping isn’t working. An Amazon rep told that their system is experiencing a major problem and that his account is among the first to be affected. Anyone else seeing this?
Cancel Cingular By Buying A Phone And Returning It???
This is either this is an isolated incident or a reader Josh tells us a new cool way to get your Cingular service canceled: buy a new phone and return it.