
Aloha Airlines Ceases To Exist

Aloha Airlines Ceases To Exist

Aloha Airlines is no more. The airline is shutting down.

United Will Ground 20 Planes… And Maybe Their CEO, Too

United Will Ground 20 Planes… And Maybe Their CEO, Too

The nation’s second-largest carrier said Tuesday it will ground and sell back to lessors 15 to 20 older, narrow-body 737s that are less fuel-efficient than others in its 460-plane fleet. It did not immediately specify what domestic flights or routes could be trimmed.

United Can't Find A Power Outlet On A Plane For Your Life Saving Medical Device

United Can't Find A Power Outlet On A Plane For Your Life Saving Medical Device

Reader Glenn was traveling to Thailand with a group of friends. Glenn and another member of the group have issues with Sleep Apnea, a potentially life threatening disorder where sufferers stop breathing in their sleep. Fortunately, a simple medical device called a C-Pap machine can be used during sleep to correct the problem. So Glenn, being the informed responsible consumer he is, contacted the airline the group was booked on, United, to make sure that he’d be able to use his C-Pap machine during the god-awfully long trip from Boston to Thailand. United said, sure, no problem, they’d be able to get him an outlet for his machine. Then, they canceled his booking. Without telling him. But wait! It gets worse!

United Airlines Raises Prices As Much As $50

United Airlines Raises Prices As Much As $50

Get ready to pay more for air travel, United Airlines is raising prices. A lot. As much as $50 for some fares. Continental has already matched the increase.

Sensing A Pattern: United Airlines Planes Clip Wings At  Dulles International Airport

Sensing A Pattern: United Airlines Planes Clip Wings At Dulles International Airport

Pilots need to pay attention when they’re taxiing around the airport. Just a week after two US Airways planes clipped wings at Reagan Airport, two United Airlines planes decided to snuggle up at Dulles International Airport.


Today United Airlines raised most of its domestic fares by $10 roundtrip. Maybe now their flight attendants can start answering call buttons again. [Reuters]

United Flight Attendant Says Call Button Is For Emergencies Only

United Flight Attendant Says Call Button Is For Emergencies Only

Christine learned an interesting bit of in-flight trivia on her recent United flight: those little call buttons are for emergencies only. What’s more, the flight attendants can psychically sense when it’s an emergency and when you’re just foolin’ with them, and they’ll ignore you if they suspect you’re just going to ask for water. And no, needing to take sinus medicine to prevent clusters of needle-explosions going off in your skull during descent is not an emergency, so go back to your seat.

Delta To Ask Northwest To The Prom, United And Continental May Drunkenly Hook Up

Delta To Ask Northwest To The Prom, United And Continental May Drunkenly Hook Up

Here’s the state of the airline merger party.

5 Airlines You Shouldn't Trust With Your Luggage

5 Airlines You Shouldn't Trust With Your Luggage

The Department of Transportation’s 2007 Air Travel Consumer Report is out. Here are the 5 airlines with the most baggage handling complaints per customer in 2007. Better luck next year!

Consumerist Reader's Story Featured On NBC Nightly News

Consumerist Reader's Story Featured On NBC Nightly News

One of our readers appeared on NBC Nightly News the other night after his story was featured on The Consumerist. Bob Loncaric paid extra to fly direct on United and when he checked his reservation, he found it had been mysteriously changed to one with stopovers. He called customer service, but was barely able to understand the outsourced call center employee’s version of English, except for the list of cities he didn’t want to stay in spouting out of the guy’s mouth….

United Airlines: Sorry, Your 200,000 Frequent Flier Miles Have Expired

United Airlines: Sorry, Your 200,000 Frequent Flier Miles Have Expired

Ouch this one really hurts.


Stock market to Delta: “Just merge with someone already.” Yeah, Delta. Pick someone so we know which airline we’ll never be using again as long we live. (Ooooh, that was mean.) [NYT]

US Airlines CEO Eagerly Anticipating Inevitable Merger Party

US Airlines CEO Eagerly Anticipating Inevitable Merger Party

Reuters has an extensive summary of a speech by US Airways CEO Doug “I’m OK To Drive” Parker in which he salivates over the inevitable merger party that is coming soon the airline industry.


United Airlines and a bunch of other airlines raise fares $20. [Chicago Tribune]

5 Worst Airlines According To Zagat's

5 Worst Airlines According To Zagat's

Here are the lowest performing airlines, based on comfort, food, service and website, according to a recent Zagat’s survey. Scores are out of a total possible 30.

Are Delta And United Talking Mergers? Romantic Dinners? Long Walks On The Beach?

Are Delta And United Talking Mergers? Romantic Dinners? Long Walks On The Beach?

The New York Times tells us that Pardus Capital Management, a hedge fund, has sent a letter to the management of Delta Air Lines asking it to seek a merger with UAL, the parent of United Airlines.

Denver International Airport Reassures Passengers That There Have Been "Major Changes"

Denver International Airport Reassures Passengers That There Have Been "Major Changes"

Last year Denver International airport closed for 45 hours when a blizzard descended on our nation’s 6th largest airport. Now the airport and the airlines that operate there would like you to know that they’ve made a lot of changes.

Attention Flyers: Your Pilots May Be Asleep

Attention Flyers: Your Pilots May Be Asleep

A controversial hunk of data from NASA released recently had the following terrifying anecdote: On a red-eye flight from Baltimore to Denver not one but both pilots fell asleep. As in not awake.