We get it, sometimes you want to shove your seatmate’s elbow off the armrest, or maybe wish evil upon the person taking up all the overhead space. But cooler heads should prevail, lest you find your flight making an unscheduled stop. A Shuttle America flight yesterday had to be diverted after a passenger allegedly attacked a flight attendant and her fellow travelers. [More]
united express

United Express Flight Turns Around After Passenger Allegedly Threatens Neighbor Over Cell Phone
While it might be okay to keep certain devices on in airplanes now, it could be a bit confusing to flyers which contraptions can be used, and at what times, which is understandable. But when one United Express traveler apparently didn’t like her neighbor telling her to turn her phone off, her alleged reaction prompted the flight to turn back to Nashville after takeoff. [More]

Can’t Get Over The Fact That A Guy Fell Asleep On An Airplane And Woke Up Locked Inside Of It
Okay so just… think about the thing that might be one of your scariest things you think about. Does it involve being locked in a not terribly large space and it’s dark and no one else is there and oh my goodness gracious I’m scared? Take that nightmare and turn it into the reality for a passenger on a recent flight. He fell asleep during a layover and woke up locked inside a dark plane, all by himself.* [More]

United Stewards' "TMI" Session Nets Traveler $250 Coupon
Bucky Turco got a $250 credit for his next United Express flight after he complained about the two-hour gab fest between two United stewards he endured on a recent trip from SLC to ORD. In that time he learned from the two women such factoids as: Hispanics, Blacks and Asians shouldn’t go blonde, a type of birth control gave one of the stewards’ sister menstrual spots, how getting spit on is the ultimate disrespect, right up there with getting a shoe thrown at you like George Bush did, and more. Too much information! [More]