united airlines

Another United Glitch Leads To Super-Cheap Airfares; Tickets Will Not Be Honored

Another United Glitch Leads To Super-Cheap Airfares; Tickets Will Not Be Honored

Remember last month, when a glitch in United Airlines’ booking system allowed people to score cheap (and sometimes free) tickets? Well, it’s happened again. [More]


Does United Airlines Set Higher Redemption Rates For Customers With More Reward Miles?

One might think that the more loyal a customer is, the more likely it’d be for a company to roll out the red carpet treatment. But that’s the exact opposite of how it works, claim two New Jersey residents in a lawsuit against the parent company of United Airlines. The plaintiffs allege that United actually sets a higher redemption rate for the more frequent fliers. [More]

Can you just feel the "bold" multi-tonal leather and "distinctive" double-stitching?

United Airlines Hoping Thinner Seats Will Pack Even More Passengers Onto Planes

For the last few years, many of the larger airlines were tearing out rows of boring old coach seats and replacing them with slightly more expensive, slightly roomier seats. But these apparently never caught on with passengers on a number of United’s regional routes, as the airline now plans to reduce the number of Economy Plus seats on hundreds of planes and cram in even more coach seats with the aid of skinnier seats. [More]

If only United responded this way to every traveler stranded by a cancellation.

United Airlines Offers To Fly Air Force Football Team To Play Naval Academy

Though the various colleges representing the U.S. Armed Forces are still operating through the shutdown of the federal government, the transportation budgets for those schools’ sports teams have been frozen while it’s determined whether that money comes from Congressional appropriations or from other sources. This has put this weekend’s football showdown between the Air Force Academy and the Naval Academy in jeopardy. Now United Airlines has volunteered to help make the game happen. [More]


United Flight Makes Emergency Landing After Pilot Suffers Fatal Heart Attack

A United Airlines flight from Houston to Seattle was diverted to Boise last night after the pilot suffered a fatal heart attack. [More]

They aren't mean anymore, see?

United Airlines Resurrects Its “Fly The Friendly Skies” Tag Line

Perhaps the skies have felt particularly unfriendly since 1996. That might be because United Airlines retired its “Fly the Friendly Skies” tag line that year, and has since had a rough slide into passenger grumpiness — after all, it receives more passenger complaints than any other airlines. But that’s all going to change, United hopes, by resurrecting that old line. [More]

(Samantha T.)

United Airlines Will Honor Those Super Cheap Tickets It Didn’t Mean To Sell Last Week

Whoever was able to snag cheap tickets from United Airlines last week — in the $0 to $10 area — you’ve got the eyes of a hawk and for that, we commend you. You’re also in luck, because United says it’s going to allow those observant customers to use their super cheap tickets, instead of pulling an apology-but-too-bad-so-sad move. [More]


No, United Airlines Did Not Mean To Sell $0 To $10 Fares

It wasn’t a publicity stunt or a magic event on par with sighting a unicorn that had United Airlines offering free, $5 and $10 fares. It was just one of those things where somebody probably made a mistake and typed the wrong thing, but the truth remains that some lucky travelers were able to scoop up miraculously cheap tickets. [More]


DOT Fines United Airlines For Delaying Refunds To 9,000 Passengers

Thanks to the merger with Continental, United Airlines is now the nation’s largest commercial carrier, but has the airline been able to keep up with its increased customer base? On Friday, the Dept. of Transportation fined United $350,000 because it failed to provide prompt refunds to thousands of customers in 2012. [More]


Airlines Have Oodles Of Your Personal Info, But Are They Selling It?

Used to be that airlines’ frequent flier programs really just kept track of how many miles or points you’d earned. Those days are gone, as carriers are able to collect and track all manner of data about passengers, data that could be very valuable if sold to third parties. Question is — are they selling it or not? [More]

American Airlines Flight Attendant Trainee Charged With Making Bomb Threats To United Airlines

American Airlines Flight Attendant Trainee Charged With Making Bomb Threats To United Airlines

A Texas man training to be a flight attendant for American Airlines was arrested and charged with making fake bomb threats to United Airlines, not just once or twice, but an astounding eight times. [More]


Another Reason Why Travelers Don’t Trust Airlines Not To Steal Their Stuff

As if checked-bag fees and stories of luggage vanishing into the ether weren’t enough to have you going carry-on only, here comes the story of a lovely couple who decided to take advantage of delays caused by the July 6 Asiana Airlines crash to allegedly help themselves to passengers’ goodies. [More]

The passenger and his dog reunite after a paperwork snafu sent the canine to Hawaii.

United Airlines Sends Passenger To San Diego, Ships His Dog To Hawaii

Handing your canine companion over to an airline, even for a few hours, can be stressful. So imagine how freaked out you would feel when you arrive at the airport only to find your furry friend is nowhere to be found. [More]


United Passenger Guilty Of Sexually Assaulting Sleeping Female Traveler

We want to believe this will discourage idiots from trying something like this in the future, but we don’t hold out too much hope. A New Jersey man could spend the rest of his life in prison after being found guilty of sexually assaulting a woman while she slept during a United Airlines flight. [More]


United Passenger Spends Three Days In Jail Following Dispute Over Seat

For each bad consumer booted from an airplane for bad behavior, we hear about some unhappy passenger being pulled off a plane and questioned by police because of a petty dispute with a flight attendant. Those passengers are usually released after only a few hours, but here’s the story of a woman who spent three days in jail after she tried to sit in a United Airlines seat that didn’t belong to her. [More]

You Can Bid On Logo And Name From Former United Airlines HQ

You Can Bid On Logo And Name From Former United Airlines HQ

United Airlines hasn’t just changed its logo in the wake of its merger with Continental; it’s also moved to a new office. And since the huge UNITED logo sitting on the former office building is now out-of-date, why not auction it off for a good cause? [More]


Which Airlines Have The Most WiFi-Enabled Flights?

By now, most of us are used to having Internet access wherever we go, but a majority of flights by the major U.S. airlines still don’t offer in-flight WiFi access to passengers. And your likelihood of finding WiFi on a plane all depends on which airline you’re flying on that day. [More]


United Airlines Making It Even Tougher To Achieve Elite Flier Status

So you think you’re special, huh? Special enough to qualify for United Airlines’ elite frequent-flier status? You should be prepared to spend a minimum of $2,500 per year on tickets or shell out enough money for upgrades, because the airline announced its upping its threshold for the lowest Premier Silver elite status in 2015. [More]