We began calling certain types of fuzzy pricing schemes “Target math” some years ago, since they turned up most often at Target stores. When this happens, unit pricing goes awry, and it costs more per unit to buy a larger quantity of the same thing. For example, when a two-pack of lotion costs almost a dollar more than two individual bottles. [More]
unit pricing

Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Costco Agree To Finally Put Unit Pricing Online
When shopping online, it can be difficult to compare prices between similar products because they come in slightly different size containers — or to see if you’re really getting a good deal by buying in bulk — because many e-tail websites don’t include unit pricing to tell you many dollars per ounce/gram/liter or other standard unit of measure. But today, some of the biggest names in retail agreed to start listing unit prices, while the biggest name in online shopping won’t commit. [More]

Consumer Reports Learns All About Target’s Fuzzy Unit Pricing Math
I don’t know how we could have been so naive, but we thought that we could trust the unit prices on shelf tags in stores, including Target. If this site has taught us anything, it’s that labels can be inaccurate, and that Target may not even be part of our present reality at all. [More]

Fred Meyer Not Sure How Unit Pricing Works
Customers at a Fred Meyer store were left scratching their heads as well as clutching their bellies in pain if they happened to notice this really bad deal on Pepto-Bismol at a Fred Meyer store. Tipster Scott took a photo of the items on the shelf. Somehow, buying a two-pack leads to the per-ounce price doubling, even when the price for that package is less than double the price of a single bottle. [More]

Rite Aid Is Hoping You’re Really Bad At Math
Most shoppers understand the general idea that buying in bulk results in lower unit costs. But there is also that point at which any further unit discount isn’t worth the risk or hassle of being stuck with stuff you won’t use. [More]

Walgreens Now Sells Televisions By The Inch
Rob took this picture of a 15″ LCD television for sale at Walgreens in Virginia. It’s nice that they chose to highlight the price, but confusing that they also posted the unit price. If you’re wondering, TVs cost $8 per inch. I like this pricing scheme, and hope to see other retailers adopt it. [More]

Whole Foods Shrink Rays Holiday Dinner
Paul and his wife purchased a pre-cooked feast for eight people at Whole Foods, but they claim that they didn’t get their whole order of food. Their two-pound side dishes, sold by weight, actually weighed in at as little as 1 pound, 3 ounces. Is their kitchen scale broken, or is something wrong at Whole Foods? [More]

Coke's 90-Calorie Can Will Still Have 5 Teaspoons Of Sugar
As part of its ongoing efforts to “help consumers balance calories consumed with calories expended,” Coca-Cola plans to roll out a 90-calorie can later this year. The 7.5-ounce can will include about 5 1/2 teaspoons of sugar (or high-fructose corn syrup), and may sell for about 50 cents per can.

At Food Lion, "Value Pricing" Means Extra Confusion!
Food Lion can’t decide how much this boneless New York strip steak costs or weighs. It could weigh .47 pounds at $9.49 per pound, or it could be 1.06 pounds of value priced meat at $6.64 per pound. Reader Mike isn’t sure what’s really going on here, but he’s hungry and confused and wants his steak to come with answers.

Long-Running Buy Two And Save Deal At Target Offers Savings Of -$1.51
Kevin sent us this picture of a non-sale at Target with the following explanation: “I took the attached picture back in October and noticed today that their pricing still makes no sense (I brought this up to customer service back in October and was told that they will have a manager take a look at it).”

Target's "Buy Two And Save" Speedstick Deodorant Deal Stinks
This is now our third, (yes, our third) post about “buy two and save” or “special value” deodorant two packs at Walmart and Target. This lovely example comes from Tucson, AZ.

Walmart's "Buy 2 And Save" Old Spice Deodorant Deal Stinks
Quick, what’s 2 x 2? Did you get 4.32? No? Then you should be able resist Walmart’s “Buy 2 And Save” Old Spice “special.”

Buy More, Waste Money: Target's Large Box Of Dryer Sheets Costs 32% More (Per Sheet)
I’m hardly the first to point this out, but had to snap a few pics of the dryer sheets I was buying yesterday at Target.

Fancy Feast Pricing Scheme Rewards Those Who Pay Attention
Reader T says:
This is regarding something that has always bothered me. While grocery shopping today, I decided I’d better pick up some cat food. I always buy a case of the Fancy Feast 3-Flavor Variety Pack, sliced. That’s the only stuff my cat will eat. I promise, I’ve tried everything else. So, I’m looking over my two choices, which are a 12 pack (4 of each flavor) for $8.29, or $3.684 per pound, and a 24 pack (8 of each flavor) for $17.65, or $3.92 per pound…