The Great Peanut Butter Recall of 2012 began with a few voluntary recall notices on the shelves of Trader Joe’s, and has now escalated to the Food and Drug Administration making an unprecedented move to shut down the plant where the offending nut products were processed. [More]
unacceptable food

Mom Not Happy About Finding Nose Ring In Daughter’s McDonald’s Breakfast Burrito
While kids love to get free shiny playthings with their fast food meals, someone else’s nose ring doesn’t usually fall into that category. But that’s exactly what a mom in Georgia says she discovered in her kid’s McDonald’s breakfast burrito. [More]

L.A. Seafood Task Force’s Catch Of The Day Features Lots Of Mislabeled Fish
What you see is apparently not always what you’re getting in L.A., says a county Seafood Task Force that took on the problem of mislabeled fish in the food industry. The group found that a whole slew of issues that were widespread across supermarkets and restaurants alike that could pose health problems for consumers. [More]

If Gooey Blobs Of Mold Count As Vitamins We’ll Have To Pass On That VitaminWater
Yeah yeah, we know: Penicillin is mold*. But healthy or no, nobody wants to take a slug of a liquid beverage and find a globular bunch of moldy stuff trying to get down your throat. Grody to the max, right? Reports of contaminated vitaminwater are hitting the news, as one enterprising consumer even sent his blobular grossness off to a lab to be tested. The result? Mold. Not a vitamin. Nope. [More]

Guy Finds Mummified Bat In His Cereal, Count Chocula Reported Missing
First of all — I’m totally kidding about Count Chocula. I’m sure he’s just fine, safe in his Transylvanian marshmallow castle or wherever he keeps his coffin. But there is a man claiming he found a mummified bat in his breakfast cereal and he’s suffering from the kind of shock that experience surely brings. [More]

FDA Incident Reports Link Monster Energy Drink To Five Deaths
Last week, a mother in Maryland sued the makers of caffeine-heavy Monster Energy drink, alleging that the beverage was not only behind the death of her teen daughter, but that the company knew of possible health risks and failed to warn consumers. [More]

Sprouts Are Out At Kroger
If you’re a fan of fresh sprouts and a Kroger shopper, you’ll have to choose between the two after this weekend, when the supermarket chain sells the last of the little green veggies, which are apparently a pain in the butt to keep clean. [More]

Only Bad Things Can Happen When You Abandon Thousands Of Bottles Of Counterfeit Ketchup In A Warehouse
Taking huge, commercial-size bladders of Heinz Ketchup and repackaging it into smaller plastic bottles may not seem like that insidious of a scam, until you think about what else might be getting added to the sweet red goo — and what happens when you leave a few thousand bogus bottles of the stuff in a warehouse unattended. [More]

8 Horrifying Things We Learned From Bloomberg Report On Inept, Ineffective Food Inspectors
During recent mass recalls of eggs and cantaloupe because of salmonella and listeria contamination, you heard a lot about FDA inspectors not catching this or that, and “How could no one notice all that filth?” Now a new report in Bloomberg Markets Magazine sheds a huge light at the sad state of food inspection in the U.S. [More]

Chinese Restaurant Closed Because Roadkill Wasn’t On The Menu
It’s one thing for a restaurant to serve up a nice plate of venison that comes from a legally hunted deer that’s been dressed and butchered properly. It’s another to simply chop up some roadkill in the kitchen and pass it off to your customers, and that is why a Chinese food restaurant in Kentucky is now closed. [More]

Customer Finds Live Tree Frog In Salad Bought At Costco
Everyone knows you’re supposed to rinse out your salad to get rid of any dirt before you chow down, but the food safety folks rarely mention the presence of frogs. So you can imagine the surprise that one California woman had on Monday when she spotted a living croaker in the salad she’d just bought from Costco. [More]

Why Did My Walmart Change The ‘Use By’ Date On My Beef?
What’s a grocery store to do when an expensive piece of beef goes unsold by the time it’s reached its “Use/Freeze By” date? Consumerist reader William believes he caught his Walmart simply slapping a new sticker with a new date on top of the old one. [More]

Loaf Of Bread Comes With Baked-In Rodent Goodness
Back in 2007, a man in Northern Ireland opened up a loaf of bread and found a whole, mercifully dead, rat. (The BBC is reporting that it’s a mouse, but it’s either a giant mutant mouse or a rat.) A judge heard the case this week, and fined the bakery ÔøΩ1,000 ($1,653) “plus costs.”

This Bag Of Clancy’s Ripple Potato Chips Needs More Nokia Phones
A Nokia phone found its way into a bag of Clancy’s Ripple Potato Chips, where it surprised Wisconsin nosher Emma Schweiger. The phone, which didn’t work, was slathered with “greasy potato-chip film” and looked like it once lived on a belt clip. The chip’s distributor, Aldi, pulled all other Clancy’s chips with the same batch and expiration date and, by way of apology, offered Schweiger a free bag of chips. She isn’t biting…