In a – maybe not – surprising turn of events on Wednesday, the U.S. Treasury Department changed its tune about ousting Alexander Hamilton from the front of the $10 bill in favor of a woman, and instead will replace Andrew Jackson’s mug on the $20 bill with that of Harriet Tubman, though it will still be years before the new design is released. [More]
u.s. treasury

U.S. Treasury: There Will Be A Woman On The $10 Bill
Move over, Alexander Hamilton: Come 2020, the country’s first secretary of the treasury will be sharing the $10 bill with a woman. It will be the first time in more than a century that a woman’s face will appear on American paper currency. [More]

Production Of Pennies, Nickels Cost Taxpayers $105 Million In 2013
We all know that old coins can be very valuable and that saving your change adds up. But did you know that minting the low-value currency creates quite a tab for U.S. taxpayers? That’s because the cost to produce pennies and nickels is nearly twice as much as they are actually worth. [More]

The Debt Ceiling Crisis Is So Much More Fun With Choose Your Own Adventure Scenarios
We’ve all heard about magic trillion-dollar coins and other fantastical scenarios to save the U.S. government from finally smacking its head against the debt ceiling, but trying to really understand the whole thing and what we’re in for if something can’t be figured out is kind of intimidating. Which is why we’re really glad someone came up with a “choose your own adventure” type to see exactly what we could be getting into. [More]

Here’s Why Everyone Is Talking About The U.S. Government Minting A Trillion-Dollar Coin
No, you don’t need to clean out your ears or wipe your eyes in disbelief — the government is really considering minting a trillion-dollar coin in order to give it enough money to pay off its debts. It might sound ridiculous and like something that just shouldn’t or couldn’t be done, but it’s a very real possibility if Congress can’t agree to raise the debt ceiling. [More]