Sierra Mist Ad Develops New Meaning Post 8/10

Jonathan Cowperthwait points us to a Sierra Mist commercial set in an airport security line. Our wild guesstimate is that it won’t be seen on TV anymore, strange prescience aside.

Terrorists! Apply Directly to the Forehead!

Terrorists! Apply Directly to the Forehead!

Sometimes an issue is too big for words, so then if a picture is worth a thousand of ’em, this image by reader Matt is worth like a million bucks.

UPDATE: Petty Power Trips at Dulles Airport

UPDATE: Petty Power Trips at Dulles Airport

Last month, we wrote about crazy, wild-eyed technohippy Edward Hasbrouck’s harassment by power-tripping rent-a-cops employed by the TSA. He’s followed it up with a complete copy of his dialogue with TSA officials subsequent to the entire ridiculous fiasco.

Can You Really Hijack An Airplane With A Belt?

Can You Really Hijack An Airplane With A Belt?

Edward writes:

Petty Power Trips at Dulles Airport

Petty Power Trips at Dulles Airport

With wild googly eyes and a crazy unkempt orange beard, Edward Hasbrouck looks a bit crazy. But not terrorist crazy. Geeky crazy. Actually, he’s a very proud American: proud enough to assert his rights in the fear that if he doesn’t, he’ll lose them. He isn’t afraid to question authority. And most importantly, he isn’t afraid to question the murky and nebulous “authority” of TSA contractors demanding to see his identification.

UPDATE: Trifecta of Crappy Airplane Stories

UPDATE: Trifecta of Crappy Airplane Stories

After going through a ringer of horror with three different airlines on Friday, Sebastien and his family retreated home to try again the next day. On Saturday, he and his brood were “selectees” earmarked for special detention by TSA at the security checkpoint. Later, he noticed his ticket had “SSSS” printed in the lower right-hand corner. His return ticket, where he had no special inspeciton, had no such S’s.

Trifecta of Crappy Airplane Stories

Trifecta of Crappy Airplane Stories

It’s the mother lode, one man’s tale of how his and his family’s Memorial Day weekend was ruined, in swift succession, by no less than three airlines.