If you’ve been thinking about switching to Sprint as your mobile carrier, but aren’t sure whether you want to sign your voice and data services over to them for the foreseeable future, good news! The carrier is bringing back its 30-day money-back guarantee deal, perhaps hoping that when combined with its aggressive discounts and promotions, it will draw new users who are skeptical about their supposed network improvements. [More]
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Cable Company CEOs Now Say Net Neutrality Is Not A Threat To Their Business
In the months leading up to the FCC’s vote on new net neutrality rules, the cable industry claimed that reclassifying broadband service to treat it more like a utility would harm investment and innovation (not to mention the outright lie that it would give control of the Internet to the government). Now that Neutrality is on the books (but still a few weeks away from being implemented), some of the biggest names in the cable industry are now shrugging their shoulders and saying it’s really not a big deal. [More]