
Mattel's Reputation With The CPSC Is Officially Crappy

Mattel's Reputation With The CPSC Is Officially Crappy

Mattel is being investigated (again) by the CPSC over the timeliness of its latest batch of recalls. According to the WSJ, Mattel knows it is required to inform the agency within 24 hours of receiving information about a defect that could cause injury—it just doesn’t do it because it thinks its not fair.

CPSC Has Only One Full-Time Toy Tester

CPSC Has Only One Full-Time Toy Tester

The CPSC is so underfunded that they can only afford one full-time toy tester, and his impact test area is located in the swing area behind the door to his cramped office, NYT reports.

Annoyed With Toy Companies Trying To Poison Your Kids? Make Your Own Toys.

Annoyed With Toy Companies Trying To Poison Your Kids? Make Your Own Toys.

Craft magazine has put together a round-up of safe toys that you can make for your kids. The downside is that you have to stop being lazy and learn to do something yourself. (Awful, we know.) The upside is that unless you’re buying the cloth from New Zealand, the odds of you poisoning your own child are low.

Meet The X-MET3000TXR+ Handheld Lead Detector

Meet The X-MET3000TXR+ Handheld Lead Detector

In response to growing concerns about toxic levels of lead in paint and metal on children’s toys, Oxford Instruments has developed a hand held electronic lead detector, a veritable rock boulder on the tracks of the Chinese Poison Train.

Walmart To Test 20% More Toys

Walmart To Test 20% More Toys

According to the Washington Post, Walmart will test 20% more toys in an effort to crack down on toy safety. Nu Wexler from Walmart Watch accused them of missing the point:

“Wal-Mart’s not addressing the larger problem of why Chinese toy suppliers are cutting corners with lead paint and melamine,” spokesman Nu Wexler said, referring to a harmful additive found in pet food made in China. “It’s because they’re under enormous pressure from buyers like Wal-Mart, and they’re sacrificing child safety to keep costs low.”

Walmart has hired three firms to help it ramp up the testing. Walmart says:

“We know this is an issue at the top of mind with our customers, and we know we can play a role to reassure them that we have great, safe toys in our stores,” said Laura Phillips, Wal-Mart’s merchandise manager overseeing toys.”


Address Books and Journals (lead), Krasdale Gravy Dry Dog Food 5lb Bags (salmonella), one unaccounted for Red Flannel Large Breed Adult Formula Dry Dog Food 50lb Bag (salmonella).


Hampton Direct Magnetic Toy Train Sets (lead).

Offended Mother Says Fisher-Price Piano Says "F— Me, Rape Me."

There are lots of moms out there who have filthy, filthy minds. They buy toys that make noise for their children, then become convinced that there are secret offensive messages in the toys.

5 Things To Do To Avoid Lead Poisoning

5 Things To Do To Avoid Lead Poisoning

Consumer Reports has five things parents can do to avoid poisoning their children with leadly toys:

The Softer Side Of Lead Paint

The Softer Side Of Lead Paint

Foreign manufacturers use lead paint not because they want to poison American children, but because lead paint is, “bright, durable, flexible, fast-drying, and cheap.” The domestic use of lead paint in residences, hospitals, and children’s products was banned in 1978, though lead paint is still widely used. Slate explains:

Mattel CEO's Online Video Apology For Millions Of Toy Recalls

Mattel CEO's Online Video Apology For Millions Of Toy Recalls

Mattel CEO Bob Eckert posted a video apology for the millions of lead-tainted and faulty magnet toys they were forced to recall. In it, he apologizes, has himself and his company take full responsibility for the issue, and outlines specific new steps to insure product quality and step up inspection processes. This is the best corporate apology video we’ve ever seen.

Toy Recalls Causing Headaches For Thrift Stores

Toy Recalls Causing Headaches For Thrift Stores

It’s hard to tell what you need to take off the shelf when you buy your product by the pound and aren’t really sure what you’re getting. That’s the problem thrift stores are facing now that so many toys have been recalled.

Store manager Jeremy Lamb said recalls are nothing new to him and his employees. They regularly receive them from their Seattle-based corporate office and they’ll handle the Mattel recall like any other: The recalled toys will be pulled from the shelves and tossed in the trash compactor, he said.

Consumer Reports Advises Families With Small Children To Avoid Magnet Toys

Consumer Reports Advises Families With Small Children To Avoid Magnet Toys

Consumer Reports is advising families with small children to stay away from magnet toys and products for adults that have small, strong magnets.

Mattel Recalls Over 7 Million Chinese-Made Toys For Lead Paint, Magnets

Mattel Recalls Over 7 Million Chinese-Made Toys For Lead Paint, Magnets

Today Mattel expanded their lead paint recall to include 253,000 die cast “Cars” toys. In addition, Mattel expended a 2006 magnetic toy recall to include about 7 million other toys.

Mattel Will Recall Another Chinese-Made Toy For Lead Paint

Mattel Will Recall Another Chinese-Made Toy For Lead Paint

Mattel is probably going to take another toy off the shelves due to overleaded paint, reports the AP and a tipster. The announcement of which toy could come today.

Chinese Lead Toy Maker Commits Suicide In Mattel Recall Aftermath

Chinese Lead Toy Maker Commits Suicide In Mattel Recall Aftermath

The owner of a Chinese toy factory identified by Mattel as the maker of the lead-tainted toys involved in a million unit recall committed suicide Saturday afternoon inside his factory, according to Chinese officials, the AP reports. According to the article, dishonored officials commonly commit suicide.

China: It's Mattel's Fault That Chinese Companies Manufactured Toys Covered With Lead. What?

China: It's Mattel's Fault That Chinese Companies Manufactured Toys Covered With Lead. What?

China’s General Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (GAQSIQ) blamed Mattel for the recent lead contamination of nearly 1 million toys, saying that the toy maker did not adequately supervise their suppliers. Mattel’s oversight safeguards are widely regarded as the “gold standard” for manufacturing in China. From the LA Times:

Is China Going To Execute Lead-Toy Vendors?

Is China Going To Execute Lead-Toy Vendors?

Chinese officials have announced that they will “severely” punish the vendors responsible for the recent lead-tainted toy snafu. That leads us to ask, what do they consider severe punishment? Remember what they did to the director of the food and drug agency for accepting poisoned toothpaste bribes? And the new state-sponsored video game “Incorruptible Fighter”, where players get to execute corrupt officials with magic or weapons, is so popular that it’s been downloaded over 100,000 times.